Chapter Three: Beauty And The Alpaca

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I glanced back one last time to see Luke falling to his knees, crying and screaming: "WHY CHRIS, WHY?" I couldn't help but feel bad for the little chihuahua. I had just taken his best friend. I know he wanted love and I would do something about it, but not at this very moment. Right now, this moment belonged to me and Christopher. I had no idea where we were going, I just let Chris take the lead. I trusted him , for I knew that wherever we ended up was where I wanted to be. The temperature had dropped five degrees for it was getting closer to the end of the day. I dropped my head down to look at the ground because I was getting sleepy. Chris sensed this: "We're almost there, promise." Suddenly we were flying through a forest and up a hill. Once we were at the top, I stopped to catch my breath. He climbed down and grabbed the rope, but instead of guiding me, he untied it. He started walking forward, so I followed. Ten seconds later a big, bright light shown through the trees. He had brought me to see the sunset. "It's beautiful." I told him and it truly was. Bright pinks and firey oranges lit up the sky. I looked back at him and stared, once again, into those precious brown eyes. "Not as beautiful as you," he said, compassion in his voice. "What are we going to do? We can't stay together. You're a human and I'm an-" "That doesn't matter right now," he cut me off, "All that matters is the time we get together at this moment." I looked back at the sunset. It would soon fade, unlike our love. "I brought you something," Chris reached into his pocket to pull out an apple. It was colored with rich reds and light pinks. He held it out towards me. "I've never had one before...," I said slightly embarrassed. "Here, I'll help," he bit off a piece of it and started slowly towards me. He spit it into his hand and held it up to my face. I took it from him and started chewing. The taste was not very delightful and I accidentally spit it up all over his face. Instead of being repulsed by my rude manner, he started laughing. I made a complete fool of my self and instead of putting me down, he just laughed it off. When I thought this night couldn't get any better, he grabbed my face and kissed me. His lips were soft, like the hands of a three year old child I had once eaten off of. Sparks flew and ignited the sky with stars. He pulled away. "What's wrong?" I asked. "I want to run away with you...," he started. The words I had wanted to hear from the start were finally coming from his apple bit covered face. "But...," he contiued, "I can't leave my family or my fans," he said sadly. Of course, how could I be so selfish to not see it? He had a loving family, friends, fans, and though I loved him with all of my heart, I wasn't going to be the one to take that away from him.

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