.Chapter 8.

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We sit in the forest.

"Where's Momo?" Aang asks.

"I don't know." I say.

Aang flys up to the trees.I look at Katara and then look at Sokka who is smiling at me.

"Uh,stop smiling at me.It's weird." I say raising my eyebrow.

"Wait what!?I was smiling?" Sokka asks.

"Yes,so stop it." I say.

Katara laughs and I roll my eyes.

Aang flys back with a trap.Momo crawls out.

"This is gonna take forever." Sokka says trying to get the other animals free.

The trap turns upside down and they fall out.

"That works." Aang says.

We all gather around the trap.

"Fire Nation traps." I say. "We should get going."

We pack up and start putting our stuff on Appa saddle.

"Uh uh.No flying this time." Sokka says.

"What?Why wouldn't we fly?" Aang asks.

"Think about it: Somehow Prince Zuko and the Fire Nation keep finding us.It's because they spot Appa,he's just too noticeable." Sokka says.

"What?Appa's not too noticeable." Katara says crossing her arms.

"He's a gigantic fluffy monster with an arrow on his head! It's kinda hard to miss him!" Sokka says throwing his arms up.

"Sokka's just jealous 'cause he doesn't have an arrow." I say to Appa.

"I know you all wanna fly,but my instincts tell me we should play it safe this time and walk." Sokka says.

"Who made you the boss?" Katara asks.

"I'm not the boss,I'm the leader." Sokka says.

"You're the leader?But your voice still cracks!" I say with a smile.

"I'm the oldest, and I'm a warrior, so.." Sokka begins to say with a voice crack. "I'm the leader!"

"If we're going by that logic,I would be the leader.Plus Aang should be the leader,he is the Avatar." I say.

"Are you kidding,he's just a goofy kid!" Sokka yells.

"You're just a goofy kid." I say with a smile.

"Why do boys always think someone has to be the leader?I bet you wouldn't be so bossy if you kissed a girl." Katara says giving him a side eye.

"I've kissed a girl,you just haven't met her." Sokka says defending himself.

"Who?Hayes? I've met Hayes." Katara says.

"Uh,I've never kissed Sokka." I say blushing.

"Your blushing says other wise." Katara says with a grin.

"Let's just go."
Katara and Aang start whining about how tired they are.I don't mind it really,but I guess it's a problem for them.

"Okay,okay,I get it.Look guys,I'm tired too.But the important thing is that we're safe from the-" Sokka begins to say.

"What?" Aang asks.

"Fire Nation." He says. "RUN!"

We start running but get cut off by a Fire Nation solider.

"Just let us pass.We mean no harm." I say.

"Wait,aren't you-" The soldier begins to say before he's knocked out.

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