.Chapter 6.

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I didn't like Winter Solstice Part 1,so this is part 2.
"I think his big butt is trying to tell ya something." Sokka says.

"Please don't go Aang. The world can't afford to lose you to the Fire Nation." Katara says.

Aang is going to the Fire Nation to find Avatar Roku,and him going alone isn't the best idea.

"But I have to talk to Avatar Roku to find out what my vision means! I need to get to the Fire Temple before the sun sets on the solstice. That's today!" Aang says.

"We're not letting you go into the Fire Nation, Aang." Katara says.

I mean,I don't think Aang should go to the Fire Temple alone,but I can't go with him.

"At least, not without your friends. We got your back." Sokka says.

Everyone gets on Appa,and I stand next to him.

"Aren't you coming?" Sokka asks.

"I would prefer not to.I'm considered a traitor so there's probably a warrant out for my arrest,so if I get caught it won't be so good." I explain.

"You have to come,you can help us around.And if you get seen you have us." Katara says.

"Fine." I say getting on Appa.
I look onto the water skeptical.I'm still really nervous,but everything should be fine.Hopefully.I look behind us and see a Fire Nation ship.

"Aang,we've got trouble!" I say.

"Yeah! And it's gaining, fast!" Sokka says.

"Fireball!" Katara yells.

"I'm on it!" Aang says.

"We have to get out of Zuko's range, before he shoots another hot stinker at us!" Katara says frantic.

"Can't you make Appa go any faster?" I ask.

"Yeah,but there's just one problem." Aang says.

We all look ahead and it's a blockade.

"If we fly north, we can go around the Fire Nation ships and avoid the blockade! It's the only way." Aang says.

"There's no time!" Katara says.

"This is exactly why I didn't want you to come! It's too dangerous!" Aang says.

"And that's exactly why we're here." I say.

We decide to run the blockade and go ahead.Fireballs fly around us,with some exploding mid air.Two fireballs collide,which cause Sokka to fall off the saddle.

"Sokka!" I yell.

Aang goes closer to the water to get Sokka.Katara and I pull him back onto the saddle.Eventually we pass the blockade.

"We made it!" Aang says happily.

"We got into the Fire Nation.Great!" Sokka says.

We fly over the water a little longer,until we see the Fire Temple.

"There it is!" Aang says. "The island where Roku's dragon took me.."

We descend to the mountain and land on a stone bridge leading up to the Temple.Aang and Katara pet Appa.

"Aww,you must be tired." Katara says.

"No! I'm good. Refreshed and ready to fight some firebenders!" Sokka says.

"I think she was talking to Appa." I say.

I chuckle and we start walking to the Fire Temple.

"I don't see any guards." Sokka says.

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