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All right everyone I know that this isn't the actual official origins of Cybertron or anything but this is my own version and I am going to go off of this. there will be some parts there actually a part of the original origins but most of it will be my own... deal with it...

A Long time ago there lived two beings Primus and unicron. At first they just roamed the galaxies thinking that they were the only two beings alive, until one day unicron found out that there was more than just them, much, much more galaxies, universes full of living beings. Unicon instantly went to rule them while Primus followed trying to stop him, but when Primus tried to stop his brother, Unicron saw this as treason and tried to kill Primus. Primus was forced to run but wherever he went Unicorn found him.

They fought in different universes countless times until it got to the point where Unicron started to destroy the universe that Primus hid in. So to fight back against unicorn Primus created 14 beings shaped to fight and protect the beings of the multi-verse.

But in creating the 14 primes primers had to give up his physical body which by the time the 14 crimes were made turned into a plant.

And as of right now the 14th prime has just been made...

The camera zooms over a planet known as cybertron it's a plane and Baron planet and it has very little on it, mostly just mountains in small bits of scrap. The camera zooms through a hole in the top part of the planet and goes through the Corridors and holes all the way towards the core, but we can see 13 robots staring at the core with one more being a host hoisted up by wires with multiple cables going into its core.

Prima: Is he almost done Primus?

Primus: yes I just need to put a part of the all spark in him and then he will be done, then we can finally have a chance to fight back against Unicron.

Prima: Is putting a piece of the All Spark in him really necessary?

Primus: Yes it is... because it will help us all.

Vector: What do you mean?

Primus: It will be a last resort

Alchemist: What do you mean by last resort?

Primus: Just in case Unicron has a backup plan or you the rest of you are badly injured then you can give up your spark to make him stronger to finally end him.

Amalgamous: Only as a last resort... correct?

Primus: Of course... I would never sacrifice any of you unless I was forced to.

The piece of the all spark slowly gets lowered into the chest of the 14th robot. After 10 minutes the robot starts to twitch until his eyes snap open and he quickly ripped the wires off of him and after he was done he fell to the ground where the other 13 Robots are.

Prima: It's ok brother, calm down

???: Where am I?

Primus: It's ok Hazard, you are safe

Hazard: Where am I

Primus: You are in the core of Cybertron, my planet that I sacrificed my body to create. Prima start training Hazard and make sure he is ready to fight

Hazard: What do you mean? What fight?

Primus: You are fighting Unicron because he will destroy everything and if we don't stop him then everyone will die.

Hazard: So we need to fight to protect the galaxy

Primus: That is correct.

Hazard: Then I will fight

The Last Original Prime(Transformers Prime x Male 14th Prime OC)Where stories live. Discover now