Day 2 - New Crush

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Dear Diary,

This day was super bad & good.

So I got there, & as I walked by everybody was whispering & laughing.

I thought, What the heck? How do so many people know me already?"

Then taped on my locker was this mean flyer! This is what it said.

"Hi! I'm Maddie, the dorky, lame new girl! Hang out with me & you'll catch my dorkiness, my cooties & you'll become a walking disaster like me!"

I thought, "What in the world! Its the first day, & I already got alot of public humiliation! And who is babyish enough to still do cooties....."

That's when I got distracted by 3 people. First, it was 2 girls named Katie & Kenzie. They started taking down the flyers. I was so happy!

"Is it possible I might make 2 friends on my first day? No Maddie, don't be crazy!"

Just then those 2 girls came up to me & introduced themselves, and told me how Emily did that to them in 5th grade.

"I should have known! I met her yesterday, & complimented her outfit, but she ignored me."

Just then, I saw the cutest guy that instantly became my crush! It was, Matthew Stevens as I heard from Katie. He was so cute! I doubt it was possible for us to happen after those flyers.

Well, after that, I just had my 2 best friends, but because of our classes we had to split up after science because I have Math, Katie had Math with me, & Kenzie has ELA. We all were going to meet up at Social Studies. When I got to S.S, guess who was there? Matthew!

He actually came over to talk! Suprising right?

"So Maddie, um.... what class do you have next?"

" I have Bio."

"Same! Do you want to be my lab partner Monday?"


"Great.... yes the bell rang! Do you want to walk with me?"

"Um... sure!"

"I can't believe he actually was talking to me!" I thought.

Then Emily White came over & got up in Matthew's face saying, " Hi Matthew!" Batting her eyelashes all innocently while twirling her long brown hair. Ugh! Why does she have to be so beautiful?

"Are you busy this afternoon? If not, do you want to go to Cupcake Palace with me?"

"Umm.... sure." Said Matthew.

I can't believe he's falling for her! :(

Now, here I am in last period, writing this!

But, i have a few minutes so i can tell me about this strange mishap! So, i walking to my Locker before Study Hall from Guidence... you know. About the flyers. So, i got there, and the hall was empty. Wow. It was so quiet. TOO QUIET. Seemed sort of scary. Then, I heard someone. EMILY. She was walking to her locker to get her designer shoes. I heard she has a pair for every school hour. OMG! She changed her shoes and then grab the small sized strawberry milkshake. Then she turns around to my direction. (I was guessing that she was wanted to go the longer way to class.) Then, she saw me.

She gasped. "You....... I don't want to speak to you."

I said,"Umm.... I think you just did."

"Oh really, captain obvious?"

"Seriously? I bet you think your so cool!"

"I am... aren't I? I mean.... Umm.... Who gave to permission to speak to me?"

"Ummm... Are you like the Queen of the world or something?"

"Oh, look who the Sas Master is now?"

"Oh well, look whose talking?!" I shot back.

That's when things got ugly! She got super mad and the a bunch of stuff started to blow around!

"Ugh!! Your so annoying! Out of my way!"

Excuse me? Who is the Sassy one?

"Umm... Emily, you do know what's going on.... Right?"

"Umm.... Mabye. What's going on? Whose doing this?"

Then, I dont really know how but, when Emily got more mad at me, rain started pouring down! IN THE HALLWAY!!

Then, Emily yelled. She tried to ran away and so did I. We both tripped on something and, everything STOPPED!

Then Maddie yelled, "My Strawberry Milkshake! NOOOOOOOO!"

But, before the Milkshake came crashing down, we both fell of the floor and the Milkshake sort of... Well... Just.... Well It.... Umm..... Sort of.... Just floated there for a few seconds. Then fell. Emily screamed.

We both got up and then Emily yelled,

"How did you do that?!"

"I don't know! How did you do that?!"

"I don't know! That's why I ask you that!"

Then a teacher ask us if we were lost and Emily almost told the truth but, I stepped on her foot and then I lied and there I said, "Yes."

We finished cleaning up the Milkshake Spill. Poor Emily got her designer floral skirt all wet! Well, she DID deserved it!

Then we... Promised to NEVER get in each others way again.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1! School is over! This first day is over!

Can't to get home! Katie & Kenzie & I are doing to group chat! Yay!

But, I'll probably tell them the Hallway Jazz tomorrow.

Well, bye!

Keep you posted, Diary!

Maddie! :)

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