1.Hey! Africa...

144 4 0

Mia Brown

I groaned in pain as I opened my eyes and the fucking sunrays entered my eyes. Like every Wednesday, I had a hungover from last night's partying and drinking. It is a tradition that me and my friends made up since junior Year. Due to experience, I was already prepared. I had a water bottle and tablets by my side and I quickly engulfed them. I knew I was going to get to school late but who the hell cares? Definately not me.

I quickly had a shower and took my time preparing my make up. Being one of the most popular girls in school, I had a standard to keep. I slipped on my bum short denim and a white designer crop top and took my bag and ran down the stirs only to remember that I didn't complete my homework but once again, who the hell cares. I ate my salad breakfast because I didn't wanna look like those ugly overweight cows in my school. I was extra confident when it came to my body, I knew I had curves in all the right places and my flat belly was the cherry on top.

"Morning Fiona! The folks gone yet?" I asked making sure to establish my authority against my family's headmaid.

"Morning Miss Brown" she quivered "They left two hours ago for Tokyo. They left you with an unlimited card and the pink Bugatti you asked for Miss."

"Good. so you going to give me the God damned card or not?" I yelled and she quickly rushed out of the kitchen.

To be honest, I just enjoyed being a bitch for no reason. I mean I am the daughter of Bratt and Angela Brown, the billionaire couple responsible for the birth of Brown Constructions which I am proud to say were part of the constructors hired to build Google headquarters, I know, pretty cool. I get all I want except my parents' undivided attention so I will get the attention else where because I can. Did I mention that I am what I call a female player, yep. I bet I have had more boyfriends in the past year than Anna has had boys say hi to her. Smirk.

I brought the salad to my mouth and immediately recognised the horroble taste of Cucumber and right on time, Fiona walked in.

"Fiona you useless old fool, I gave you a simple instruction, don't add fucking cucumber to my salad unless you are tired of this Job and want Daddy to stop paying for your idiot child's fees!" I yelled

"I-i" she tries to explain tearing up and for some reason I am not sympathetic

"Save it!" I yelled throwing the bowl at her, surely ruining her outfit which I guessed was her favorite since she wears it the most. I pushed the chair back, snatched my keys and headed towards my new bugatti. It purred as I Ignited the engine and sped off to school.

"...and I threw the whole bowl in her face!" I narrated the whole thing to my friend Sally and Brie.

"Hmm! what a bitch!" Brie commented while frantically typing on her phone not really paying attention to me. Sally was literally drooling on Eddy 'Douche' as I call him, the guy who took my innocence and led me to be the so-called slut I am. He is the soccer captain and his well built physic meant he whooped ass too hence I still kept him in my circle, the popular's circle.

We were currently headed to the cafeteria and I could see these low lives wishing they were us. The nerds and the rest of the boys I have tossed aside clearly fantasizing about us.

As we turned around a corner, suddenly someone crashed into me really hard causing me to fall and sent my latest model iPhone flying onto one of the lockers. I was pretty sure it was dead due to the sound of the impact and the class scattered around it. I would get a new one after school but is was time to teach this fucker a lesson. I got up and realised Sally and Brie were also on the ground cursing

"Me is so sorry.It was a accident. Please forgive..." I cut of his horrible grammar porn with a slap on his cheek causing him to hiss in pain.

"So, who is the fucker that caused me a $400 shirt and an iPhone?" I asked venomously wanting to establish dominance over this idiot.

"Da-David, David Smith, from South Africa, I moved here ab-ahhh" he screamed landing on his side and clashing his stomach while moaning in pain as Eddy Douche hit him out of nowhere. Robert and Mike, his associates joined in the fun. They kicked him repeatedly and am sure he broke something..

"Hold him up!" I ordered and the boys didnt waste any time. I crouched so I was face to face.

"Hei! Africa, am sure you miss the jungle by now" i mocked then slapped him hard causing the whole school to erupt with laughter.

I knew no teacher would dare mess with me or my father would tear down the school and build his personal spa or atleast thats what the falsified letter to the principal said the last time I was threatened to be expelled.

That week was fun, I realised that I was in almost every class with Africa. We made him write our homework and beat him up for no reason. He was the unlucky bitch we had in our sights for God knows how long. I must admit, it was funny listening to him tryna make a proper sentence in order begging us to let him go.


It had been a three weeks since we started making Africa's life a living hell for the sake of it but what annoys me is that whenever he get to his freak show friends he would soon smile again. A genuine smile caused only by true friendship, a luxury I never had since Anna and I became strangers. It was party Tuesday and I was over the freakin moon. I wore a short blue pencil skirt and paired in with my classy black designer heels, to my glittery clutch bag and applied my heavy make up, curled my hair to perfection and headed to the kitchen where Fiona and my former best friend her daughter Anna were laughing, while cooking and chopping veggies.

I did kinda feel envious for their mother daughter time because well, it is the only thing mother fails to provide for me. I hated the feeling their nauseating presence brought so I just lashed out for no reason.

"While you are busy flapping your gums atleast make sure no to spit in the food you disgusting animals!" I said bitterly, getting the response I was hoping for and with that I bolted out of the house into the Jeep at the end of my drive way. I think he said his name is Philip.

"So, where to beautiful" Philip tried to sound seductive but failed miserably. Me being the kind person I am (note the sarcasm), played along

"The club 30 minutes from here, then hopefully we can make a couple of fantasies come true" i smiled innocently at him causing him to be a blushing mess. Horny teenagers!

To be honest I just needed a driver since I knew I would leave that place wasted and the fools I seduced into taking me there were those who were rumoured to have uptight parents with no alcohol policies in their house which was honestly half of the school's male population. And I need a fuck for the night so, its a win win right?

The night was the usual, alcohol plus teenager equals bad decisions. My friends started going to rooms with different people. When Sally and I were the only two left, I knew it was time to get Philip and make him came in 30 seconds like the typical boy he is. I prefered the BOD (Bring your Own Dick) method instead of hooking up with strangers for fear of what STD they might gimme. I searched every where, i was not as drunk as I usually would be at this time for an unknown reason but I was beyond the tipsy point. I pushed through the crowd until I decided to give up and go outside for fresh air.

Two males that I saw starring at me a coupl'a time came out almost as soon as I did and something inside of me knew shit is about to go down.....

First chapter complete. My apologies for Any and every grammatic and spelling error. I hope you enjoy the story going forward and please vote if you like what you are reading ☺☺☺

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