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"Alright guys, I'm expecting more liveliness from you," the woman at the front of the classroom clapped her hands together to start class. "You've just had lunch, it's over halfway through the day, and I don't want to have to drag all of you to do this task."

Renjun chewed the end of his pencil with utter boredom, watching her hands fly about as she excitedly described what she had in store. It's history, he thought, blinking once with force in order to wake up properly, how fun could it possibly be?

"You'll all be put in groups of two or three, and you'll have to reenact the moment where the emperor-" Renjun sort of cut her voice off in his mind, right about there. The word 'groups' sang all sorts of death chants in his ears, for he was the least social person he knew. In fact, it was moments like these where he would wish for Jaemin to drop by and save him.

"Well, well, well," the brunette in front of him muttered as he turned around (a person Renjun had never bothered to observe before this moment), "How lucky I am."

The Chinese boy's heart sunk about a foot when the other's face came into view. That snide grin that never reached his eyes, the beautiful face shadowed by irritating behaviour.....Lee Donghyuck. "Oh god, you have to be kidding me!"

"I kid you not," Donghyuck chided with animosity, "We have been paired together, Shorty. Now, I'll be the first to admit that my mind isn't as quick as my mouth, so I can't help you. But you're a nerd, right? You actually listen to that cow at the front, right?"

No! No, no no, no! I refuse to work with this dick! And since when did he attend this class? Huh? What the actual fuck? Though, as his reluctant thoughts tried to come to terms with this monstrosity of a situation, Donghyuck swiftly turned his chair around to sit opposite him at his desk.

"So, what should we do?"

Renjun held back the urge to throttle him, and instead opened his textbook to read over the section again that depicted the scene. "You can be the emperor, if you want," he mumbled, imaging that this would suffice.

"I swear, if that has a crap tonne of lines, then I'm-"

"The lines are even, Dumbass. Chill."

As the chatter got louder due to the rising enthusiasm for this exercise, it almost went unnoticed the way the door was knocked. The teacher hopped up from her chair, scurrying towards the door and opening it hurriedly. Renjun stopped speaking for a minute as he curiously narrowed his eyes to see who it was. A tall figure was mostly hidden by both the wall and the lady's body, so it was a fruitless effort.

To his absolute surprise, the teacher spun around on the spot, peering around at the heads of her students before finding Renjun amidst the loud group. She smiled at the realisation that she already had his attention, and waved him over. Donghyuck swiftly gripped his wrist as he stood up, though. The older glanced down at him with a confused glint to his eyes.

"What is it?"

The younger shook his head, "What am I supposed to do without you?"

"Join another group, Donghyuck! Jeez, where's your initiative?"

"Renjun!" The woman called, still standing by the door with the mystery guest.

"Coming," he responded, pulling his wrist from the brunette's grasp and jogging towards 'freedom'. His body slid past his teacher to step into the empty hall, finally coming face to face with a familiar ravenette.

Lee Jeno? What the hell is he doing here? Were Renjun's initial thoughts. While Jeno's were a little more refined.

Oh, he nodded to himself subtly, is this the Renjun person that Jaemin talks about?

"Jeno here has come to get you," the lady finally spoke up after their expressions settled in one another's eyes. "You signed up for the helping committee, right?"

Oh right, the shortest thought, I did put my name down for something like that, didn't I? "Um, I think so?"

"Great. It's wonderful to hear about students participating in extra curricular activities or clubs. Alright, off you go. You'll be back in time to grab your books."

Jeno took a step back as the older moved to follow him, the ravenette clearly in a slight state of distress as his gaze shot to different sections of the hall.

Really, Jeno was thinking; I know this boy, don't I? Was he the one I weirded out in the P.E hall?

As they left the classroom behind and moved onwards towards the auditorium, the Chinese male couldn't help but rub his sweaty palms together nervously and stare vacantly at the other's back. His heart was racing from being so close to his crush again, and yet he still couldn't open his damn mouth.

Just comment on a picture. Say he looks good today....well, he looks good everyday, but still.....Oh, mention the weather! Ugh, Renjun, say something!

Alas, the cowardly teen couldn't force a single word out, and would surely regret this for a long, long time. It appeared he was doomed to remain one step behind the ethereal boy and stare longingly at his back from a distance....forevermore.

Jeno stopped outside the hall, motioning towards the double doors with his hands enveloped in sweater paws. His face stayed straight and professional while his eyes still refused to look properly at Renjun again. "This is it."

Wow! His voice will never get old! "I-I see," the older pursed his lips, taking one tentative step towards the doors and gently prying them open. As he moved to shuffle inside, his gut practically screamed at him not to make this mistake.

To say something.

His eyes flicked to Jeno's retreating figure, mouth dry with lack of confidence and chest almost painful from the palpitations. "J-Jeno!" Well shit. Now I've gone and done it...

"Mmm?" He turned around, for once actually looking at him, as pained as it appeared.

"Y-You look nice today.....Ah, I mean, you look nice everyday! But like, today is different I guess? I mean, you seem more-"

"Thank you," he interrupted him, an adorable smile only lightly decorating his intimidated face, and his cheeks were dusted the faintest pink. I didn't expect the guy Jaemin liked to be like this....Nervous? Unsure?

"Then...." Renjun hummed, thankful that he had tried at all. "Then I'm going in now. S-See you around?"

The ravenette gave a small wave before turning around and walking away again. But the older was absolutely, inexplicably elated. He couldn't suppress the beaming pride he felt within.

I did it! I properly talked to him this time!

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𝗮 𝗹𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝗼 𝘆𝗼𝘂; norenmin Where stories live. Discover now