part 29. eternal bond.

Start from the beginning

Kuroka: now you're up to something. Care to share lover?

Issei looks at Kuroka, walks up to her and kisses her.

Issei: you'll find out soon hon. I'll be back as soon as I can.

Issei creates a portal and dives in.

Kuroka: he's rarely ever that excited maybe other than in bed.



Issei teleports back to the Grigori and gives Azazel the piece.

Azazel: there's one more thing I need. Some of your scales.

Issei: why?

Azazel: dragon scales are almost indestructible so I'll make a chain out of it.

Issei: alright.

Issei pulls off some of his scales which will take time to grow back. He gives Azazel the scales who began to melt them down but I'll take a while since Issei is a fire dragon and his scales are resistant. Azazel begins to use the rook piece and manages to copy some of the attributes into the pawn piece. Issei used his magic to change its shape into a thin long diamond. It came out just as Issei hoped, after a while the scales succumbed to the melting process and turned to molten liquid. Azazel immediately poured it into a mould and let it cool, it took over an hour to cool down and then Issei and Azazel worked together to create the most beautiful necklace ever. A reddish black chain with a golden gem with red and black smoke like pattern in it, as it was created by using Issei's powers and scales, only those whom he loves and see it's magnificent glow and beauty.

Azazel: damn that was hard work.

Issei: but worth it.

Azazel: yeah. I'll admit. Well you've been here for hours, your friends are waiting for you.

Issei: thanks for everything old man.

Azazel: happy to help kiddo.

Issei goes home feeling all giddy. He hides the necklace in his jacket pocket then enters through the door.

Issei: whao what happened to you guys and what's with all the phones and laptops?

Everyone was going through the lists and still found nothing.

Vali: truth be told we were looking up your birth certificate.

Issei: why?

Rias: because we want to know when your birthday is.

Issei: again, why?

Irina: what do you mean why? Because no one knows and it's important to you and us.

Issei was no longer feeling giddy. He looked through their research and noticed the dates.

Issei: so you guys went through all the hospital lists in Kuoh from almost 20 years ago? You guys sure are dedicated I'll give you that but you won't find it in any of the lists of the Kuoh hospitals.

Bikou: what do you mean?

Issei: I wasn't born here. I was born in a village where my mother's late parents lived. My birth records were misplaced soon after I was put in foster for obvious reasons. Sorry you guys wasted your time.

Xenovia: then only you know when your birthday is then.

Issei: yup but it's not important now.

Kiba: come on man we spent hours looking for that one bit of info, please tell us.

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