Green Eyed Monster

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James had seen many expressions on Remus' face over the years; happiness, sadness, anger, hurt, hunger, pain, etc. But he had never seen this particular expression before. It looked a little of anger and a little hurt, but he couldn't understand how his waffle, which he kept stabbing, could anger or hurt him.

He nudged Lily, who was sitting beside him, during breakfast in the Great Hall, and discreetly pointed towards Remus and raised his eyebrows, silently asking her if she knew what was wrong with him. They were in their Sixth year at Hogwarts and she had just started becoming his friend, though still denying his every advance. But he convinced himself that he had time, that she'll say yes someday. She couldn't resist his charm for much long.

She turned to look at Remus, who was angrily pushing around the food on his plate, but something akin to hurt, or was that jealousy, in his expressions. She turned her head to find the only person that could ever make Remus get jealous. She found him at the Ravenclaw table talking to Michael Edwards, his DADA partner. They had gotten close that year due to their new DADA professor that decided to make pairs in the class who would work together all year. In addition to that, they couldn't choose their own partner, he had decided those himself at the beginning of the year. Since then, they had gotten close and Remus had hated Michael since. When she asked him about it, he originally denied it, but finally confessed that he liked Sirius, had since fourth year. He had came out last year to all of them, so this wasn't a 100% surprising.

She turned her head towards James who was watching her with his doe-like eyes, as oblivious to all this as always, and shook her head. She didn't want to tell him about Remus' crush if he didn't want to do it himself.

Remus was oblivious to the silent conversation going near him, his eyes on Sirius and that Michael guy who was leaning a little too much into Sirius' personal space. But the thing that made him the most mad was that Sirius didn't seem to mind, in fact, he was leaning in far too much as well. He had a hand on Michael's shoulder and a big smile on both their faces. He knew Sirius was gay, he had come out as Bisexual in fifth year. So that made it even more painful.

He couldn't look at them anymore. He turned to look at his food, which was all still on the plate, but in bits and pieces as he had torn up his waffles without knowing. He drank one last sip of his tea, got up and left for his class. Unfortunately, this was a common occurrence these days. Him leaving without eating and sometimes ignoring Sirius. He decided that he had to get his act together, otherwise someone might catch on to his obvious jealousy.

On the other side of the room, Sirius saw Remus leaving the room and his friends looked confused at his sudden departure. He'll talk to Remus that night. He'll have to get him alone first, which was difficult as Remus avoided being alone with him these days.


Remus was tired. He had a long day and he just wanted to sleep or take a bath. All day, whenever he saw Sirius, he was with Michael.

It seemed like he spent more time with him these days than the Marauders. Which hurt not just because he liked Remus but because he missed him as his friend too. He knew he was avoiding him as well but he had decided, that didn't count. He could see that it affected James too, but he didn't say anything, as he got to spend time with Lily, without interruption, trying to impress her anyway possible. Plus he was busy with Quidditch practice as a game was coming up next weekend.

At last, he decided to go to the Prefect's bathroom for a bath as it was bigger and better. He collected all his stuff and clothes and headed off to the Prefect's bath. On the way he was lost in thought, and bumper into the 'dream team' themselves.

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