Faith Finds a Home

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Kevin watched with child like wonder the devastating blows hurled one after the other to the punching bag which weighed enough, if it was dropped, to shatter every bone in his body.
It was graceful and vicious like a striking cobra, the way Ayaan delivered hell to his practising equipment; the fluidity of his motion left Musa and Kevin speechless. Equal parts dumbfounded and awed, they watched the 'laid back' boy transition into something they weren't sure they wanted to meet in a ring.
"Bet you twenty bucks you can't win him in a fist fight," Kevin whispered to his friend who stood with him; mouth slightly slanted into a smile.
"Bet you twenty more you can't either."
"We've reached a dead end then."

To return the favour of Musa and Kevin in allowing him to play ball against them, Ayaan arranged for the boys a once-in-a-lifetime chance of hanging out in the fabled Academy that released into the country some of their most formidable fighters. A retired lawyer now working as a baker, Mas'ud was terrible only with his words. Otherwise, he made sure his children received the best of both worlds.

Eventually, Ayaan's turn arrived to enter the ring against his trainer who was a giant of a man easily able to dwarf Ayaan's own six foot two frame. They started slow, then increased speed with Coach Montague shouting instructions. If they thought Ayaan was incredible, Montague was simply otherworldly.
"Hey, pal."
Musa turned to face a tall bald man with the familiar eagle tat hugging his bicep. John Mehcad flashed him a friendly smile
"Hey there, John."
"Sorry to intrude. But, you guys joining?"
"We're broke," Kevin announced unabashedly, making John bark a guttural laugh that sort of made Musa's skin squirm.
"Fees as high as the bloody sky and pain enough to make the lowest circle o' hell a piece o' cake."
Kevin shrugged in compliance, Musa nodded along.

They watched Ayaan duck, spring and evade a mountainous fist incoming from Montague. Kevin whistled appreciatively.
"If it isn't taking too much o' a liberty, you friends with that boy?"
"Ah ha.."
"Oh. Nice guy, if it weren't for his... nevermind. Anyway," he happily ignored Musa's pointed glare and stretched out his index toward the ring where Ayaan was gaining the upper hand, "You see his evasive maneuvers? I'll teach you something. Watch his evasive maneuvers. See how his go-to is a spring and duck combo? That leaves his left side vulnerable. Coach knows it. Any time now, he's going to cut a beeline to tha-"

With a loud "oooff" Ayaan went down like a sack of flour; coach's ankle catching him as per John's prediction. Quite without his own knowledge, Musa rubbed his side as though watching itself physically hurt.
"Ta-da.." John sang.
The coach hunkered down to check on Ayaan whose face was beet red by now and was still displayed manly courage by holding back other cries or oofs.
"Do you think he broke a rib?" asked Kevin, genuine worried for his friend.
"Coach never hits that hard.."

"Oh. So, how long have you been here?"
"A couple years. Graduating soon," John changed his stance, "I came to pick up a few things. See you two around the library."

Of course Montague didn't mean to hit him so hard, but he got distracted a split second before his ankle connected with his side. However no excuse would make it hurt any less.
The pain was gone, but a soreness remained, making the speed breakers an unwelcome part in the otherwise pleasant ride. His friends described to him their encounter with John who 'was nicer than he looks. Pretty frank and friendly.'
It shouldn't have bothered him so much that Musa and Kevin approved John, like, he knew John was manipulative as hell. But such a stuck up prodigal son had no business mingling with common class; as far as he knew, John had a notorious reputation for bullying anyone with pockets lighter than his. Having served his suspension, John was back to training since last week with only one goal- the annual trophy or blood.
Ayaan was secretly glad he wasn't in the same class as the guy. Facing him was every Academy-fighter's worst nightmare.

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