Chapter Six - A Home In the Moors

Depuis le début

Someone who didn't belong in the moors, or just someone who wasn't allowed to roam around, nor inhabit the tree, would easily get confused in and around the huge tree, left to wander on the platforms until someone kind enough would come to their rescue.

Stepping off of a rope bridge, connecting a platform to another.

Occupied by what he had chosen to call his home.

Taking a few light steps towards his home, he reaches his right hand out towards the wooden door knob.

Letting his pale slender fingers envelope the door knob, he rotates the knob clockwise, applying a bit of weight into the knob, and pushing the door open silently.

Without a single sound, he takes naturally silent steps into the wooden house, his steps were so light, not a single creak came from beneath his feet.

Years of etiquette and magic training both had a huge part to play over the years, resulting in his exquisite posture and skills.

Diaval, on the other hand, was another story entirely, not having the same experience his young master had, in magic nor in any type of etiquette training, his steps were, unlike those of his young master's, heavy.

They were indeed heavy.

Catching the sound of Diaval's heavy footsteps was something he was sure anyone could do, surprisingly, Diaval could indeed, make his footsteps silent if he wanted to, or had a good reason to do so.

Silence had surrounded the two the instant they had taken their first steps into the wooden building.

It was as if a thick mist had started to slowly encircle the two, it wasn't that it was hard to breath, no they were breathing perfectly fine, amazingly in fact, it was as if they were standing on a small hill, a light breeze brushing past them every now and then.

The feeling only intensified the deeper they headed into the dark silence of the building, lifting up his right hand, he lifts up his index and middle finger, drawing them together and folding his three remaining fingers into the palm of his hand.

In one swift movement, he turns his wrist half clockwise, small flames rapidly lit up the wooden home, the enchanted candles, only half their height from the heat of the small flames manages to somehow stand tall and proud after years of use.

After lighting up his home, he gently removes his robe, smoke follows his hood, unveiling his tall alluring black horns, his horns tilted backwards slightly as they curved outwards then curved back in towards each other then turned away at the tips, they were gorgeous and yet most would call them hellish.

That had led to him casting a small transformation spell on himself, the spell would allow the horns to magically disappear, then they'd return whenever he'd want, he had learned and practiced this spell ever since he was a child.

After informing his mother that he wanted to be able to fit in with everyone else without getting made fun of, or being called horrible names, such as demon or monster.

Having heard the despair in her child's voice, she soon reluctantly gave into his request to learn the spell, since she herself didn't know the spell, she gave the task of teaching him to his mentor.

She had never bothered to learn it for herself, since she had never thought that her horns were something to be ashamed of, and she knew, that in due time, her son would come to realise the same.

Hanging the beautiful fabric up on a wooden hanger, placed neatly beside the wooden door he had just entered from a moment ago.

Dropping his hand to his side, the pale figure finally takes in a deep breath, letting out a content sigh, he makes his way towards the balcony of the house.

Catching the sight of the wooden framed glass doors, already being left wide open, he strides through the opening between the glass doors.

The cold night air instantly enveloping his warm body the second he steps out onto the balcony, catching the glimpse of a shorter figure, he makes his way towards them.

"I'm home mother." speaking up softly, he let's his voice flow along with the cold breeze of the night, his mother not bothering to turn around, only waves her hand, gesturing for him to come to her side.

Following her hand, he strides over to her side, his mother speaks up.

"I see you've made it home safely Malleus."

Hyssopus - Malleus x Reader (on hiatus)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant