Chapter 10: Fishing Trip

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"No one can make tea like Uncle but hopefully I learned a thing or two. Would you like to hear Uncle's favorite tea joke?" Zuko asks as he prepares tea for everyone. "Sure." Katara says surprising even herself. "Okay." He serves tea to The Duke and Haru and stands up with his tray. "Well, I can't remember how it starts, but the punch line is "Leaf me alone, I'm bushed!" No response. "Well, it's funnier when Uncle tells it." "Right ... maybe that's because he remembers the whole thing." Everyone else laughs at Kataras sarcasm while Zuko smiles a little at least glad she's talking to him.
Toph speaks up. "It's nice to get a chance to relax a little. It hardly ever happens." Zuko hands tea to Teo and Toph. And as he approached Sokka the other boy looks at him. "Hey, can I talk to you for a second?" He stands up and walks out. Zuko sets down the tray of tea and follows Sokka,walking away from where the rest of the group is gathered.
"So, what's up?" LIf someone was captured by the Fire Nation, where would they be taken?" "What do you mean? Who was captured?" "When the invasion plan failed, some of our troops were taken. I just want to know where they might be." "I can't tell you." The prince said scratching his head. "What? Why not?" " Trust me. Knowing would just make you feel worse." He turns to leave, but is stopped by Sokka. "It's my dad. He was captured too. I need to know what I put him through." "It's not good, Sokka." "Please." My guess is, they were taken to the Boiling Rock." "What's that?" The highest security prison in the Fire Nation." Sokka  looks at him, horrified. "It's on an island in the middle of a boiling lake. It's inescapable." "So, where is this place?" Zhukov folds his arms. "Why do you need to know? What are you planning?" "Nothing. Boy, you're so paranoid." "It's in the middle of a volcano between here and the Fire Nation. You guys actually flew right past it on your way here." "Thanks, Zuko. Just knowing makes me feel better." Sokka said yawning. "Yeah, I'm sure it does."

"What does it say?" Toph asks referring to the note left by Zuko and Sokka. "Need meat. Gone fishing. Back in a few days. Sokka and Zuko. One more thing. "Aang, practice your firebending while I'm gone. Do twenty sets of fire fists and ten hot squats every time you hear a badgerfrog croak. Zuko." Katara finishes. Aang sighs. "Nobody else has homework." The boy stands  up and walks to a spot and starts hot squatting while Katara and Toph walk away. "One hot squat, two hot squat, three hot squat, four hot squat ..." he continues on as the croaks extend.
After day two Katara starts to worry but only for Sokka. Zuko can drown for all I care. She told herself. Knowing she didn't fully believe that.
The night of day 3 a ship appears.
"What are you doing in this thing? What happened to the war balloon?" Katara asks "It kind of got destroyed." Zuko says sheepishly. "Sounds like a crazy fishing trip." Aang adds. "Did you at least get some good meat?" Toph asks. "I did. The best meat of all. The meat of friendship and fatherhood." Sokka smiles. Suki, Hakoda, and Chit Sang exit the ship. Chit Sang waves. "I'm new. What's up, everybody?" Katara tears up and runs to them. "Dad?" "Hi, Katara." He says as they hug. "How are you here? What is going on? Where did you go?" "We kind of went to a Fire Nation prison." Sokka answers. Hakoda pulls Sokka into the embrace. "Seriously? You guys didn't find any meat?" Toph asks causing everyone to laugh.

"Thank you." Katara whispers to Zuko this time as she passes by his room. He offers her a smile she doesn't return it though. Zuko knows he's still not yet forgiven.

Sorry for the short chapter the next one will be super long I promise.

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