Anton sits up in his seat and begins to speak. "It's funny. You two don't look Hawaiian." He says to the twins, obviously trying to get a rouse out of them. He fails miserably of course, because they both remain stone faced. They don't even blink.

"you're gonna tell us everything, Anton. Just give it time." Steve says with a bit of a snappy tone, completely avoiding Anton's question about them.

Anton just smirks in reply. "But you were born there, weren't you?" Anton asks this time, still trying to hit a sensitive spot or something on the two soldiers. He probably knows that they won't reply to any of his questions, but as long as he gets them talking to distract them, then he has completed his task.

Now it's Kris' turn to says something snippy to Anton. "Every terrorist cell you and victor helped arm, every supplier you ever worked with, all of your trafficking associates... Everyone you've ever sold weapons to... we will know once were done with you." Kris says firmly, trying again to reiterate that they did not capture him to fuck around and become friends- Anton and Victor Hesse are global terrorists that must be stopped, and it is Steve and Kris' job to take them down.

Anton wiggles his eyebrows, completely ignoring the glares and threats he is getting from the soldiers in the Humvee with him. "With you two chasing my brother and I around the world for five years... Like a doggy lookin' for a bone... You don't think we'd do our homework on you, would ya?" Anton smirks, just as Steve's satellite phone rings, which makes his and Kris' eyebrows furrow in confusion. Nobody should be calling them right now, especially when they're on a mission as critical as this one.

Steve quickly pulls his phone out of his TAC vest and looks at the screen. He scowls at the caller ID, and quickly flashes the screen over to his sister to show her that it's their dad calling him. Kris' phone then rings too, which makes her heart rise to her throat. She knows already that this isn't going to end well- there are too many red flags being put up right now. She pulls her phone out of her TAC vest and sees that the call is coming from her dad's cell phone too. The McGarretts lock eyes momentarily, allowing each other to know that they know something suspicious is up and to be careful.

"You should probably get that. You two don't speak to your old man nearly enough." Anton suddenly says, which makes Kris see red. She immediately knows that this was Anton's plan all along, and they easily fell into his to trap. All she can do is pray to god that her dad comes out of this unharmed.

After shooting Anton a vicious look, Steve answers his phone. Kris follows suit with hers. "Dad?" Steve asks, feeling his heart pound in his ears. He knows something bad is happening right now but has no idea what to do about it.

"Hey champ... Hey Tiger." The gruff voice of their father, John McGarrett says, sounding exhausted. Kris and Steve now know that something is horribly wrong from his voice, and from the fact that he never calls them anything other than their names- the nicknames strike them as odd. Filing the nicknames in the back of her mind, Kris is the next one to talk. "You alright?" she asks cautiously, trying not to give anything away too early. John replies almost immediately. "Who are these people, guys?" he asks, now sounding a little scared. The fear in his voice makes Kris' breath hitch in her throat. John McGarrett isn't scared of anything, nor does he ever sound as vulnerable as he does now. Something is very, very wrong.

Then, the cocky, arrogant voice of Victor Hesse comes onto the call, which makes her see red. Before Steve can even say anything to her, Kris hangs up her phone and dials the Honolulu Police Department, as she has had that number memorized since she was a kid, since her dad still works there to this day. When a receptionist picks up the phone, Kris asks for Sargent Duke Lukela, who was dad's best friend when Kris was growing up, and she hopes to god that he is still on the force too- she hasn't seen him in about fifteen years, so anything could be possible at this point. Thankfully, she gets patched through to Duke right away.

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