
What has gotten into you? Donghyuck thought to himself.

He had let his guard down. The second he saw the girl staring at him and Renjun in the library, it was like there was a magnetic field attracting him to her. With her round oval eyes, pale skin, brown hair, headphones- Stop! I can't be thinking about her.

Donghyuck had noticed the two spots beside the girl which is why he went over to that section of the library in the first place. When he got closer he had noticed how scared the girl was, shaking so hard, she broke the lead on her pencil and it ended up rolling to the floor, landing at his feet.

That's when Donghyuck noticed the beautiful water lily she was drawing.

Haechan would have stepped on it, the wood crunching under his feet. He would have given the girl a sinister grin as he broke her pencil, until the girl was in tears from his intimidation. But today, he wasn't Haechan. He was Donghyuck. So he had picked up the pencil and returned it to her.

After asking if the two seats were free, he told Renjun and the two of them sat down, Donghyuck beside the girl. He took out the staff paper he had to write down the melody stuck in his head all day while Renjun was doing what he did best, sketching.

The time passed by quickly and it was soon time for their class.

"Text me when you're done." Renjun said as they got up.

"Alright." Donghyuck responded as he slung his backpack over his shoulder.

The two of them walked out of the library. Renjun turned to head to class but Donghyuck couldn't help himself, he waited, a few steps outside the library entrance.

Sure enough, a moment later, the girl he had sat beside came out of the library, turning towards the same direction Renjun had gone, her sketchbook in her hands.

She's an art student, like Renjun.

Donghyuck put his hands in his pockets, stretching out his neck and he made his way to class, trying to hide the disappointment from his face.


I didn't know a phoenix could be smiling that brightly.

Ayeon was waiting for the previous class to file out when she saw a blue-haired boy with the Phoenixes' jacket inside the lecture hall, sitting in the second row with the brightest smile on his face. It surprised her, especially since the class seemed like an awfully boring medicine class.

Ayeon wondered if the other phoenix, the blond one from the library had seen his friend, but judging by the face he had as he focused on the phone game he was playing, Ayeon assumed he didn't.

Just then, she heard large amounts of shuffling and the previous class began making their way out the doors. The blue-haired boy came out, noticing the blond right away but before he could approach his friend, someone started talking much louder than he should have.

"Stupid phoenix. Think they're all cool with their jackets but I bet the one in our medicine class won't even be able to pass the first quiz."

Ayeon had never seen someone's face change as fast as the blue-haired boy's did. His happy smile changed into a dark stare that could kill with just one look into his eyes. His friend must have heard the comment as well, as he quickly placed his phone in his pocket, turning towards the boy who had made the comment. He wore an equally as intimidating look on his face.

The blue-haired boy had his hands in his pockets as he took long strides to the boy that had spoken while the other students in the hall simply watched. Ayeon couldn't help but stare as well as the blue-haired phoenix tapped the boy on the shoulder, making him turn around.

The boy's face immediately dropped as soon as he saw the face of the phoenix in front of him, visibly gulping in fear.

"You shouldn't say things like that." The phoenix said. "I'll give you a chance to apologize."

He would be dumb to not take this chance.

The boy took a deep breath before puffing up his chest.

"I-I'm not scared of you!" The boy said, but his voice was shaky. This only made the blue-haired boy chuckle.

"Okay. I'll give you a simple warning then." A wide grin spread on the blue-haired boy's face as he leaned forward, bringing his face close to the boy's.

"You've been marked by the Phoenixes."


Ayeon met Donghyuck for the first timeee ~

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Ayeon met Donghyuck for the first timeee ~

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