Motel Accommodations [15]

Start from the beginning

The car ride was silent. I didn't bother turning on the radio. My thoughts were occupied with Tony. How was he? Was he okay? Was he safe? Surely whoever was sent to kill him never found a body. Would he be okay if someone came after him? If the Mandarin came after him?


"Mr President. Only two lessons remain, and I intend to finish this before Christmas morning. Meet Thomas Richards." I watched in horror as the screen zoomed in on a man who was crouched on the ground. Pepper sat next to me on her couch, and beside her is Corporal Dell. "Good strong name. Good strong job. Thomas, here, is an accountant for the Roxxon Oil Corporation." My heart broke for the man as he let out a sob, and then anger swelled in me. What did he ever do to deserve this? "But I'm sure he's a really good guy. I'm going to shoot him in the head, live on your television in 30 seconds."

"No!" the man cried out, another sob following as his wide eyes enter the camera. I stood and began pacing behind the couch, my eyes on the floor but my ears still listening.

"The number for this telephone is in your cell phone," the Mandarin continued, ignoring the man's sobs, motioning to an older looking telephone sitting next to him. "Exciting, isn't it, imagining how it got there? America, if your president calls me in the next half-minute, Tom lives. Go!" It got deathly quiet. I continued pacing, waiting for the phone to ring. I began begging it, praying that it would magically start ringing. And then it did. My head snapped up to the TV, sending a silent prayer of thanks. The Mandarin let the phone ring, and aimed his gun at the man.

"No," Pepper whispered in front of me. A shot rang out on the TV, and Thomas Richards' body went limp. Pepper let out a strangled gasp.

"There's just one lesson left, President Ellis. So run away, hide, kiss your children goodbye. Because nothing, not your army, not your red, white and blue attack dog, can save you. I'll see you soon."

My phone rang. An unknown number. I answered it without thinking. "Who is this?"


My heart skipped a beat at the familiar voice. "Tony." Pepper's head whipped towards me and she stood.

"Hey. Sorry to skip the happy reunion, but this is getting serious and I'm afraid my trail is going cold. I need my thinking buddy, Cap'."

"Tony, no. This guy is nuts. You need to drop out now and come home."

"Sorry, no can do. The world thinks I'm dead, so I gotta act the part. As long as I'm dead, the Mandarin will never see me coming."

"I'm not asking. That's an order."

"Dead men don't take orders, and Fury said you're out of commission for the next month," Tony replied easily, causing me to groan. I pinched the bridge of my nose, closing my eyes and letting out a deep sigh.

"Just come home. I need you back here, alive." I felt pressure on my arm, and glanced at Pepper, who was looking at me with a sympathetic smile. I smiled back weakly.

"Steve, honey," my heart skipped a beat and I felt a rush of color flush my face, "I need you right now. Like, really need you. What do you know?"

I sighed. He wouldn't let this go. "Maya thinks Aldrich Killian is working for the Mandarin." I heard a soft gasp beside me, but continued. "She doesn't have any proof, but she seems almost certain the Extremis project has something to do with it." I shrugged, although he couldn't see it. "She thinks it's something worth looking into."

"I'll do my best." It was quiet for a moment, and I almost thought he hung up. "Steve?"

"Yeah?" My heartbeat was the only other thing I could hear besides Tony's voice.

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