Malibu Point [13]

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I startled awake, a jostling waking me

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I startled awake, a jostling waking me. I looked down beside me and remembered that I had fallen asleep next to Tony. He jerked in his sleep, causing me to furrow my eyebrows. I leaned over, gently shaking his shoulder. "Tony," I whispered. "Tony," I repeated, louder.

A hand on my shoulder caught me off guard. I swung my fist behind me, not bothering to check who it was. I realized, however, as my fist connected with a metal helmet. I heard a startled gasp from behind me, but ignored it as the suit of armor swung back. I blocked with my forearm and watched powerlessly as the suit's other hand was powered up and prepared to attack.

"Power down!" Tony shouted from beside me, his arms outstretched. The suit's lights turned off, and I knocked the suit over, it collapsing on the bedroom floor. Tony let out a sigh of relief, gasping for breath beside me. I flicked on the lamp by the bed.

I glanced at him as he sat back on his heels on the bed. Tears streamed down his face, and each breath shook his body lightly. "Tony?"

He shook his head as I climbed off the bed. "I must have called it in my sleep. It shouldn't do that, I need to re-calibrate it." He glanced up at me. "Just... just give me a minute."

I smiled sadly at him. "I'll be across the hall." I made my way towards the door, carefully stepping around the armor.

"No, Steve-" I stopped and looked at him, my hand hovering over the door knob. "Wait, please? I just... I just need..." I let my hand drop to my side, waiting patiently for him to regain his breath. He took in a few short, ragged breaths. "I'm sorry."

"You have no control over it, Tony," I replied sternly, remembering the countless sleepless nights he spent working on this suit. I could understand somewhat, remembering that 'Captain America' made me who I am today, and I wouldn't be here without the serum or the alias. "Your suits are important to you, I know. They're almost a part of you. But, Tony, this has gone too far."

"How else am I supposed to keep the world safe?" Tony asked. "How do I protect you against that?"

"I don't need protection," I replied, walking towards him and sitting next to him. "The world is safe right now, and if things get worse, we will find a way to protect it."

"Steve," Tony muttered, shaking his head, looking into his lap. Gently, I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, pulling him into a hug. His arms snaked around my waist, his head leaning against my shoulder.

"I'm here. We'll deal with this together, I promise." My mind raced. Tony was important to me, I admitted that. Far too important for me to stand by and watch him hurt himself in fear of a future that might not come. I rubbed a hand soothingly against his back, subconsciously squeezing him tighter towards me. I squeezed my eyes shut and buried my face in his hair. I wouldn't let him destroy himself because he was scared to lose me. I'm not going anywhere.


Tony sat on the couch, scrolling through some information on a blond man. I stared at the picture through the holographic screen and, I had to admit, the man was handsome. I glanced to Tony, who had his eyebrow furrowed in concentration, and smiled.

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