Chappy Eighteen (Start of the Plan)

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Khaierra's POV

I woke up without a man by my side, wait where the he** did he go?? it's, what?? it's already 11:46 am?? I sleep that long?? I jump out of bed and get ready to wash my body to a cold water.

As I'm done showering I immediately get my phone to check my notifications, and wahla I have,

56 Unread Emails
34 Messages
17 Missed calls

what the, I am not that busy person right? or am I? I think I'm not, what's going on?

First I opened my Unread Emails and all of those were saying that I am promoted or I'm qualified to apply a job or position in any companies.

tsk, I can't work now because I'm pretty sure Dheiandeil's mother will ruin everything for me, I need to fix our problem first so in the near future no one will ruin me or us or maybe.

Then I opened my messages, and it all came from Dheiandeil, I read it one by one and it all says

this is the right timing.

get your ass here

Where are you lady



damn come on pick up your phone.

Ohh, I totally forgot the plan, but what if it'll be a total fail?? no just trust in Dheiandeil.

as I got to their house my heart beat so fast that I can't even breath property.

Breath in , then breath out.

I got out of the cab and stood straight,

now is the time to start our plan.

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