Chappy Eleven (Can't believe)

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Dheiandeil's POV

as she said that my heart was pumping up and down and can't wait for this event to end, I need to talk to her and let her understand my situation

5 hours had passed already and it's already 6:36 PM, as the welcoming event has ended I immediately go to my new office and called Khaierra's number

3 attempt still doesn't pick up, and finally

'hello Babe??'

'don't call her babe cause she's not yours!! who is this by the way??'

'it was saved in her contact look at it!!'

'it wasn't saved, it says Unknown number!!'

'I'm her husband who is this??'

'As long as I know she will file a divorce paper!!'

'Robert?? where are you?'

'guess where!!'

and by that I hear a techno beat, fuck I think I know where are they

'where is she?? can I talk to her??'

'as you wish!!'ey!! youw ruined my life and youwr fuckying mother, how I wish to gow bwack in the past and didn't broked up with Robert!! hew changed a lowt!! I lwike him now!!'

when she said that immediately punch the table that is infront of me,

'where are you?? I'll fetch you!!'

'where here at Resto bar and grill, to your favorite bar and grill!!'

'Robert?? please don't lay hand on her!!'

'I'm not like the old Robert you used to know, I won't take for granted which is not mine, but if she'll really file a divorce paper and you'll sign it I won't hesitate to get her back, I still love her but if loving her will giving her a free will to choose them I'll let her!! and I know you still love her by the look of your eyes when you saw her at the office, just open your eyes and don't let your mom get your mind it might leave you a regretful life in the future!!'

I close my eyes and sigh

'thanks, and I'll fetch her about an hour!! I have a plan, I'll let my mom reveal the truth and trap her on a cage and make sure she won't let that personality bail out!!'

'if you say so, we'll wait and I promise I won't touch her but I can't promise not to kiss her---


'I'm just kidding you moron, go get your fucking ass here cause if I can't take it anymore I'll really kiss her and be that old Robert!!'

'fuck off!!'

and by that he hang up while laughing, I can't believe he really changed, I stood up and get my car keys and head out

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