Chapter Sixteen: Lost friend, trust gain.

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'They say: just grow up, but they don't know us. We don't give a fuck, and we're never gonna change'

I groaned at my phone ringing. I swear, I just can't. Who the hell calls at two in the morning, especially when said person is in the hospital. I leaned over and grabbed my phone, not bothering to read the caller I.D.

"Hello?" I answered, my voice groggy.
"Are you seriously that pathetic?!"

What the hell? Someone calls me at two in the fucking morning to call me pathetic. Unacceptable.

"Excuse me? Who the fuck is this?" I demanded.
"It's Tony, you fuck". He answered.
"Ugh. I knew I should've looked at the caller I.D". I groaned.
"Shut it, Dart". He snapped. "Are you seriously so pathetic that you had to contact your ex-client to try and get your job back?" He boomed.
"What? What are you talking about?" I asked, genuinely confused about what the hell he was talking about.
"I just got off the phone with Scarlett Payne, saying that I should give you your job back- I declined obviously- but seriously? You had somebody else do your begging for you because your ego is too big?"
"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I snapped. "You call me at two in the morning to accuse me of something that I didn't do. Why don't you get your fucking facts straight before you go calling someone who is on the other side of the world". I snapped at him.
"How dare you talk to your employer like that".
"Shut it Tony. You just said yourself that I don't work for you anymore. And Scarlett called you because I told her that you fired me and she hired me for a reason. So she went to go get my job back. Oh, and in case she didn't tell you, she doesn't want anyone else on this case but me, so don't bother reassigning anyone because I'm still on the case". I told him then hung up.

I slammed my phone down and covered my face in my hands. I screamed into my hands, letting out my frustration. I removed my hands and laid back down. I needed to try and get some sleep. I had to go into surgery this morning. Apparently something was up with one of my kidney's and it needed to be removed or something like that. And I had a lot of water in my lungs, which is why I blacked out last night.

I sighed, dreading what was to come. I closed my eyes and snuggled back into the mattress, but just as my muscles relaxed, I heard the door open and shut. I peeked open one eye and saw a figure dash into the bathroom. My eyebrows knitted together in confusion, but I wasn't scared. I should've been though. I mean, a random figure dashing into your hospital room at two in the morning? Creepy.

My phone vibrated, and I groaned in annoyance, but grabbed it none the less. It was a text from Olly.

From: Olly <3

If the nurse walks in, you saw nothing!

I tilted my head in confusion as I read it. So that's what that was. Why the hell didn't he just wait until the morning? Seriously. A minute later the door opened slightly and a nurse walked in. She smiled sweetly at me.

"What are you doing awake?" She asked.
I shut off my phone and placed it in my lap. "Couldn't sleep I guess". I lied. Truth was that people wouldn't leave me alone!
She nodded. "Did anyone happen to walk in here?" She questioned.
I pretended to be confused. "No. Why? Is something wrong?"
"Oh, no. Nothing. Just I thought I noticed someone walk in here. It was probably just my imagination. But, no need to worry. You get your rest. You'll need it". She waved off the situation.

I nodded and waved slightly at her. She smiled and left the room, shutting the door behind her. My phone buzzed.

From: Olly <3

Is she gone? :U

I raised an eyebrow.

To: Olly <3

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