eight || his favorite car

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     "𝗚𝗨𝗬𝗦 i'm bac- bokugo please don't harass todoroki-san" you said, you had changed into one of bokugo's shirt that he almost never wear and a pair of sweatpants.

Bokugo lets go of todoroki's collar, while todoroki started dusting his shirt. Kaminari, mina, sero and kirishima looked at you as if they were saying sorry

"Please give todoroki-san a chance. he's just kinda weird...but he's nice!" you told them, bokugo raised a brow at you and scoffed

"Whatever, let's watch a movie" bokugo said, turning on the big tv. you gave todoroki a smile and told him to sit next to you.

Your eyes widen when you looked at time, you changed back into your gown, frowning at how fast the time was

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Your eyes widen when you looked at time, you changed back into your gown, frowning at how fast the time was. you looked at your friends and gave them a hug

"Let's hang out again...when i can" you said, they smiled and nodded. Todoroki bowed at them and the two of you went back to the party. Which was still on going (don't ask me how)

Suddenly a girl with her black hair in an updo ran towards the two of you

"Todoroki-kun! i've been looking everywhere for you" you glanced at the girl, she was beautiful. you examine her and your eyes widen when you saw her chest then you looked down at yours.

oh wow...okay. you slowly walked away from the two, looking for someone to communicate with until the party was over.

you went to the area where the foods, [mostly sweets] are. You silently picked a plate and added a few on your plate, even though you wanted more, but what can you do? you don't want to look like someone who hasn't eaten in days, and embarrass your family.

"that's all?" you heard a deep voice said, you glanced at your side and saw todoroki. you looked around and saw how many people were close by

"hmm? this is my normal proportion, todoroki-san" you said with that gentle voice that he loved so much, todoroki felt his heart skip a beat.

"o-okay then! do you mind if i accompany you for the rest of the night?" he asked, you smiled. A genuine smile, you were glad he wanted to keep you company because you didn't find the idea of talking about jewelry and expensive shit all night appealing.

(ShE's nOt lIkE oTher gIrls)

"hm? no not at all todoroki-san! thank you in advance" you smiled, todoroki smiled back as he followed you.

"What really?? pfft HAHAHAH i never thought you'd have the guts to do that" you said while wiping a tear, todoroki smiled as the two of you walk around the garden, where no one was at

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"What really?? pfft HAHAHAH i never thought you'd have the guts to do that" you said while wiping a tear, todoroki smiled as the two of you walk around the garden, where no one was at

"That was his favorite car-" todoroki didn't finished his sentence "And you threw eggs on it! HAHAHA todoroki w-what the hell" you laughed harder imagining the scenario

Todoroki felt a warm feeling on his chest, looking down at you, clutching your stomach as you laugh. He caught himself smiling, he furrowed his brows

you weren't your gentle side, why was he feeling this way?

"Todoroki-san, i think we need to go back" You said, making him snap out of his thoughts

"We should."


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