I try to stretch my neck around the corner of the kitchen to catch a glimpse into the dining room, but I have no luck. A few minutes pass by before Justin rushes us all out of the kitchen and tells us all to represent the Landmark Hotel well. I sigh and push my baby hairs off of my forehead before stepping out into the dining room. The four of us separate from each other, heading off into different directions. We'd talk later about whatever chaos the night brought us.

I feel uncomfortable as I make my way to the back corner of the restaurant, suddenly incredibly aware of how I look compared to the women in this room. My frizzy hair wrapped up in a bun looks criminal compared to their blowouts and up-dos. It takes everything in me not to gawk at their jewelry and their fancy clothes. I pass Chrissy Teigen and John Legend on my left. Oh my god. Chrissy Teigen and John Legend are here.

My head whips around the room, searching for anyone. Eduardo, Leah... god I'd even look to Justin for comfort right now. I suddenly feel very small when I notice just how many famous people are in the room. Leah was right, Simon Cowell was sitting at a table near John and Chrissy. I smile politely when I make eye contact with someone until I finally make it to my table. James Charles is there, sipping on a glass of water along with some other people that I don't recognize. He smiles when I approach the table. Okay Georgia, put your game face on.

The night goes fairly smooth for me. Everyone at my table is incredibly kind and (thankfully) orders things on the menu. No special requests, no drunks. I didn't even tread over to the other side of the dining room where Leah and Eduardo were. I was desperate to know who was over there.

I take the check book from James, "You were so sweet, thank you so much for tonight." He says, a big smile on his face.

I thank him and wave goodbye to the rest of the table before slipping into the kitchen and leaning up against the wall. Chastity is nowhere to be found, but Leah and Eduardo are chatting, sharing a plate of some food.

"So, good tables?" I ask, pushing Eduardo out of the way to steal a fry.

He huffs, "Fuck no. I didn't even have someone that I recognized. Just a bunch of old fucking white guys. Over a 500 dollar bill and I got 30 bucks. 30 fucking dollars."

Leah gives him a look of sympathy and huffs. "All I'm gonna say is that while Kylie Jenner is very polite, she is also a poor tipper. But you know, she runs sweatshops for her makeup so it makes sense, doesn't it?"

We all laugh. It's a crazy world we live in, the immense difference between our lives and theirs. Kylie Jenner will probably hop on a private jet after this or stay in our Penthouse suite while I'll head back to my one bedroom apartment that I share with my mom and my brother. Charity comes running in, her face blotchy and streaked with tears.

My eyes go wide at the chunk of cash in her hands. That's definitely more than one 100 dollar bill.

"Harry fucking Styles just tipped me $500 dollars." She yells. 

Suddenly my $200 and PR box from James Charles doesn't seem so appealing anymore.

"What the fuck did you do? Suck his dick?!" Eduardo laughs.

Charity is still crying, but she smiles through the tears and shoves the money in his face before shoving it into her apron. "You're just fucking jealous. I'm just a damn good server, that's why I got a fucking $500 dollar tip. Oh, and I got an invite to his party tomorrow night. Don't tell Justin that I took it."

My jaw drops, "A party?! He's having a party? Fucking where?"

"Here! He's staying in the goddamn penthouse! He said I can bring whoever I want!" She squeals.

Almost everyone was gone by the time I finished my cut work. It was only one in the morning, but it felt like the sun was rising outside. I thought about mom and Javi at the restaurant. I hope they were able to close up easily and that no one called in tonight.

I slowly finish sweeping the tiny bit of dust up from the floor while I think about how good the bed is going to feel tonight. Hopefully mom isn't in the middle of it. She'll be so pissed if I have to wake her up and tell her to move over. I bend down to grab the dustpan, sweeping up the last of the dust pile until I hear a muffled cough.

"Mhm... hi." A voice says.

I shoot up, embarrassed that someone just had a lovely view of my ass up in the air and turn around to see none other than Harry Styles standing straight in front of me. He's wearing a navy blue sweatshirt and gray jogger pants. It's werid to see him so casual, not in a Gucci suit or something. I want to say something, anything, but I can't. Why is he down here right now?

He smiles and clears his throat again, "I lost a ring and I was wondering if it got left here. Didn't notice until just now."

I blink. Say something! "Um, someone might have grabbed it. I can check the lost and found. What does it look like?"

He chuckled under his breath, "It's shaped like an 'H'. Gold."

I nod my head and then dip behind the host stand, unlocking our little lost and found cabinet. He takes a step closer as I set the plastic basket filled with random keys and trinkets in front of me. He smells good, like aftershave and vanilla. I glance up at him for only a second, his hair is still damp. He must've just gotten out of the shower. He peers over the basket, hands laced behind his back.

"I don't see anything, I'm so sorry." I mumble, still shifting my fingers through the junk.

His face falters for a second, but then he looks up at me and smiles, almost as if he was trying to hide his disappointment. I scan the room, locking eyes with Justin in the kitchen. He silently motions that he'll cut my head off. I sigh and look back at Harry, giving a small shrug of my shoulders.

"It's alright, thank you for checking though. I really appreciate it..." He pauses for a second before starting intently at me. "Uh... I was going to say your name but I don't see a badge."

I pat my collarbone realizing that it must have fallen off. "Georgia."

"Well, thank you Georgia. Have a good night." He nods before turning on his heel and disappearing out of the restaurant and back into the lobby.

I smile to myself for a second and giggle, the nervous pressure in my chest lifting. Did that really just fucking happen? Honestly, how did I just keep it together?

"Why did he come back?" Justin says sliding in next to me, opening the register.

"He lost a ring. I didn't see it though. Did anyone give you anything to put in the back?"

He shakes his head, "No. Hopefully he doesn't come back and bite us in the ass since we don't have it. Where's your badge?"

"I think it fell off. I'm gonna look for it really quick and then can I head out?"

He nods and waves me away. I take a lap around the dining room and find it hiding underneath a table, a table cloth just barely covering it. As I bend down to grab it, a shimmer of light catches the corner of my eye. Sure enough, the ring is there. I quickly grab it. It's probably expensive enough to pay half of my goddamn rent.

I could give it to Justin, but I felt myself putting it in my pocket before I could even think. Charity was going to his party tomorrow anyways, I could give it to her and she could give it back to him. The people working are the ones who helped in this situation. The least I can do is let Charity look like a hero tomorrow. 


Hello!!! Quarantine has ruined me and my friends so I'm 100% back into my 1D phase and thought I'd write a fan fic. This is for my pals. Y'all know who you are since you two are going to be my only two fucking reads on this thing <3 

What will happen next? Will the ring get returned to Harry? hehe

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