To Hurt, To Heal

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Draco sat staring at the flickering remains of the letter; his father's words burning to ash. If only he could rid himself as easily of his father's demand. //I will be waiting tomorrow on the pitch by the broomstick shed during your Care of Magical Creatures class. When the distraction begins, immobilize Potter and bring him to me. He is needed immediately in our Lord's presence.//

Draco sighed. ~Sure, father. You ask me now. Why not years, or even months ago before I realized just how much I didn't want to turn Harry over to you?~ He slowly picked up a quill and piece of parchment. In emotional agony, he penned //As you wish, Father.// His shaking fingers could write no more and he dried the note, rolled it up, and secured it to the waiting Malfoy owl's leg.

As the bird flew back out of the window he dropped his head onto the table. ~I can't do this. I can't betray Harry. I can't lead him to death.~ He sat up, his jaw clenched. ~ As soon as we get on the field tomorrow, I'm going to tell Harry about father's plan and I'm going to tell him that I l-. That I lo-. That I...fuck. Maybe I'll just tell him about father's plan.~

He flung himself into bed, but knew that sleep would be hours away.

Draco bit his lip in frustration. Damn Harry Potter and his bloody fan club! Draco had been waiting for ten minutes to speak to Harry alone, but he continued to chat happily with half of the Gryffindor dormitory. Eventually, the crowd dwindled down to Hermione, Ron, Seamus and Neville. ~Better do it now or never.~ Draco sighed. ~I'm sure it's not going to get any better than this.~

He carefully made his way to the Gryffindor's group, avoiding the clusters of Slytherins in his path. He could tell when the Gryffs first caught sight of him, thanks to Ron's snort and remarkably loud comment of, "What the hell does the ferret think he's doing slinking around over here?" Draco winced and glanced to see if any Slytherins had spotted him. Not yet. He hurried his pace up and stood allowing the huddle to block him from the rest of the field's sight.

Ron moved away in disgust. "What are y-"?

"Shh!" he hissed back. Ron jerked back in surprise, then his gaze narrowed and he opened his mouth to start up again. Draco rushed to speak before that could happen. "I need to talk to Potter alone." He murmured. Ron snorted again but a quick elbow from Hermione shut him up quickly.

"Why?" she asked warily in Harry's stead.

Draco sighed. Damn Gryffindors. No concept of privacy at all. What was one person's business was everyone's business. "I can't tell you part of why I need to talk to him alone," he bit out.

She raised an eyebrow. "So tell us the part you can."

Damn Gryffindors. "During class, there will be some kind of distraction, I'm betting on an attack. I'm supposed to immobilize Potter and take him to the pitch where my father is waiting, probably to portkey them both to You-Know-Who."

Jaws dropped. Harry met Draco's eyes thoughtfully. "Why are you telling me this?"

Draco tried, oh how he tried, but the blush creeped in anyway. He noticed Hermione and Neville sport a sudden look of surprise. "That's the part I can't tell you in front of the others," he gritted. Damn Gryffindors.

"So when is..." Harry was interrupted by loud pops, a hiss and then loud shrieks. He looked back to see six or so dark robed figures begin circling the groups of students on the pitch. Three more stood around a pillar of flames. To Harry's horror, he realized it was Hagrid...on fire. He tensed and was about to race to his large friend's side when he felt strong arms slip in around his waist, holding him stationary.

"No!" Draco snapped. "That's exactly why they did it. You have to get out of here. Go!" he pushed Harry into Ron and Seamus's arms and turned back to the field. "I'll do what I can to help Hagrid and to stall them." He was startled, then, when he felt a bruising grip on his arm and he was jerked around to face Harry's sparking green eyes.

To Hurt, To Heal (Drarry)Where stories live. Discover now