The Deal

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"Okay. So you're going to have to come in. Pretend to be me like I'm pretending to be you." I had to stay calm and focused. If I could get Sheila to play along, I could make things work out for the both of us while bringing her back to Earth.

"Are you kidding me? I am not going to be seen like this!" 

"Stop shrieking." I growled, gaining a few questionable glances. "I can always change your look."

"Oh my goodness. So this is how you're going to get your way? Threaten to alter my hair?"

I had to give it to her. She wasn't as stupid as I thought she was. "Well...yeah." 

She made a noise on her end, I'm sure rolling her eyes.

"How long so you really think you'll enjoy hiding out at my place?" 

"You have a point. I'll be there in twenty." She hung up on me and I found that I was already planning a few things.

By the time she got there, I had a presentation ready for Bronson and was in the process of emailing him the details.

"What do you think you're doing?" She snapped, tossing my purse down.

"Could you have at least brushed my hair?" I gave her an incredulous look to be met by an annoyed one from her.

"Look. I'm here. Be grateful." 

"Jeez. I'll make sure to return the favor." I rolled my eyes as I turned back to the computer.

"Is that my Bronson account?"

"No. It's mine." I gave her a delighted smile until I noticed her glare.

"What do you mean?" She was leaning down, a hand on the back of the chair and the other on the desktop.

"Your name is on it, of course, but ideas are credited to me."

"Seriously? It's my account. Why are you taking any credit?"

"Because I drafted the proposal. You're still top dog." Never mind. I take back what I said about her being smart. She should have gotten this by now.

"You better fix this. Or else."

"Or else what?" I challenged.

"Remember the little secret you wanted to go blabbing? If we can't figure out how to get back to normal, how long do you think you'll still have this job?"

"You didn't seem to think anyone would believe me before. Why the change of heart?" I tried to appear calm but I was screaming inside. 

"You seemed pretty confident." 

I pushed my lips together, forming things lines and turned back to the screen. I deleted the recognition of my contribution.

"Two can play the blackmail game." She sang as she grabbed the purse and went to my desk.

We bickered all day, even during lunch while we tried to figure out how to switch back.

"Why don't we just try the elevator again?" She tossed her hands in the air out of frustration.

"I'm not opposed to that. But how do you think it's gonna look for us to go riding in the elevator, trying to shock ourselves? I mean, what if someone gets on with us?"

"Then we wait to get on by ourselves."

"So we stand around looking like idiots, waiting to be alone?" 

She stared at me with death ray's. At least if that were a thing, I'm sure that's what she would have done. "Well, it is lunch. Almost everyone has left the building."

She had a point. But I wasn't about to admit that. So I stood up from the desk and led the way.

We went to the same elevator and waited. When it opened, there wasn't anyone there. We tried to mimic our actions from last night, but there was no zap. We tried a few times and nothing happened. 

"Maybe it'll all go back to normal tomorrow. Maybe it was just a twenty-four hour thing." Sheila suggested as we waited to go back up.

I noticed the security guard was watching us with a weird expression. I ignored him.

"Yeah. Like a stomach bug." I don't know if she caught my sarcasm or not, but the noise she made at me suggested that she did.

Once back in the office, I was busy with talking to Bronson and setting up a meeting. It pained me to pretend that Sheila was the one he was working with.

Donny sent me a text a little while before leaving to remind me of our "meeting". I blushed as I typed in my response.

I turned to watch him leave and saw Sheila offer him a flirtatious smile, but in my body, it just came out more of a grimace. I needed to work on my flirting skills.

Donny gave her a nod as he breezed past her. She couldn't hide the disappointment before she went back to her work.

I didn't feel bad at all. I kind of liked his flirting with me even if he thought it was Sheila he was making googly eyes with.

We had decided to try the elevator again at the same time we had left last night. So at that time, she approached it first and then I came up. I pounded the button several times the way she had. It was my idea to reenact our actions.

When the doors opened, we bumped shoulders, turned, and pushed the ground floor button together. And still no zap.

"Seriously?" She breathed. I think she used all of the frustration earlier and all she had energy for was a weak response.

"I guess now we start researching body swapping. So get started on that and let me know what you find tomorrow. "

"And what do you think you'll be doing?" She kept her pace with me. I never knew I could walk that fast.

"I have a meeting to attend." I flashed her a devilish smile before getting into the Uber car I'd finally remembered to call for.

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