The Actual Plan

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The rest of the day was tense. Sheila kept throwing eye darts my way and I kept trying to figure out how I could get her out of there.

She disappeared for a while and I wondered if she was back at it with Donny. Or someone else.

I got a call from Bronson, asking me if I would be working with Sheila on his account. I assured him that if that's what he wanted, I would.

"To be honest, I'm not so sure she can handle things. I don't understand why Launders pushed so hard for her when you've always been the one to handle everything."

Ah! I was right. She had wormed her way in and her getting my job had nothing to do with her skill at all.

Everyone rushed to leave at quitting time, but I chose to hang around. I finished off my pile of papers and started to put together the plans for Bronson's request before shutting down my computer. The place was quiet in a weird way. I couldn't explain why. 

Grabbing my things, I made sure my chair was pushed under my desk and I made my way to the elevator. I took my glasses off to wipe them after I pushed the down button.

"Just great." I heard from behind.

I didn't have to turn around to know that it was my nemesis. "Seriously?" I muttered as she came up beside me. I could feel her glaring at me. Probably trying to burn holes into my head. 

"So...have you decided what you're going to do?"

I spared her a glance. "About?" 

She snickered, shaking her head at me. "You know what I'm talking about."

"You wanting me to do your job?" I gave her the most innocent look I could, folding my hands together at my waistline. "Or did you get the news? Bronson called make sure I was working his account."

Her eyes burned and the sneer she gave me was a little intimidating. "Your idea of blackmail." I wondered if she'd even heard anything I had just said.

"I plan to speak with Mr. Jacobson." I didn't really, but she didn't have to know that. In fact, I wasn't sure at all what my plan was. I still couldn't come up with anything. While there were security cameras, I had no clue just how much they could capture and what parts of the building they picked up. Maybe they didn't point toward Donny's office. Maybe they didn't pick up sound. Maybe they didn't even work.

But then it dawned on me. She was worried! She wouldn't be asking otherwise. "Yeah. Tomorrow morning. First thing." I declared.

"What makes you think he'll believe you?" The challenge in her voice was weak.

"What makes you think he won't? He'll probably at least check the video and see you going in the office and not coming out for a long time. And I'm sure with how loud you were, he'll be able to hear you too." I kinda sing songed some of that.

I could see her body tremble in anger. It made me giddy.

In agitation, Sheila reached out and punched the call button for the elevator. She did it several times. I guess it was her way of working out some aggression.

"I already did that." I couldn't help myself. I had her riled up and it was the best feeling in the world. I felt like I was on cloud nine.

"If you open your mouth, you'll be sorry." She was facing me, her hands clenched into fists.

"How so?" I continued to face the elevator, only giving her a side eyed glance. Our reflections in the stainless steel door were distorted and I found myself focusing on that.

"You think I don't know how to ruin your career?" Her voice was low, threatening.

"I'm sure you'll try. But yours will be over with before you can do anything." 

If we were a cartoon, steam would have been coming out of her ears and her eyes would have been bright red.

There was a ding as the doors opened. We stepped forward at the same time, our shoulders bumping as we squeezed into the space. We pushed and turned back around.

We both reached out to pick the button for the ground floor. And the strangest thing happened.

There was a loud crackle and I felt a zap shoot up my finger, into my arm. The burning sensation spread through my body. The stupid elevator had just electrocuted me! Well, it was just a shock, but it wasn't pleasant at all. 

I scowled at the wall of buttons.

"What the…" Sheila was rubbing her hand, giving the elevator the same look as me. When she saw that I was looking at her, she gave me a sneer and tried to intimidate me again. "Keep your mouth shut."

The rest of the ride down was tense. My mood had plummeted and my finger still tingled. I knew I had a pout on my face, but I didn't care.

I sighed in relief as the doors opened and I could be free of Sheila's presence. I left her behind.

Rushing to the front of the building, I ignored Sheila as she called out another threat. My car was in the shop, so I waved down a cab, wishing I had just called for Uber. 

Once home, I tossed everything on the couch and ordered some Chinese then jumped in the shower. 

The rest of my night was pretty boring. There wasn't anything good on the tv and I didn't want to read. But I did feel this unexplainable fatigue. So I made sure my alarm was set, went over my plans for taking Sheila out, and crawled into bed.

I couldn't wait for tomorrow. 

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