I begin to wonder about the mother and child, and lose track of how long I've been standing there until a seductive voice from behind me says, "Hello, Sam."

I stagger and practically throw my briefcase—I'm that startled. Somehow I manage to catch myself before falling.

My blood runs cold as I look into the brilliant blue eyes of Zachariah. He smiles at me like we're old friends. I, on the other hand, am plastered against the wall trying to keep as much distance from him as possible.

"I'm sorry. Did I startle you? My apologies," he says, still smiling. A thin layer of perspiration has broken out over my entire body, and I start to shake.

"I'm meeting someone. They'll be here any minute, and the curator is waiting for me." I'm inching along the wall, trying to avoid priceless paintings, but refusing to take my eyes off of Zac.

"You haven't figured it out yet, Sam? I'm meeting you here. I borrowed Mr. Thornton's name to lure you here. I must say it was rather easy to do. I assumed you would bring Adam or your Hunter. I was simply testing your parameter of protection. Never in a million years did I expect you to show up alone, without your guard dogs." He keeps the distance between us, but moves as I move.

He's toying with me. He enjoys my fear—feeds off it.

I hate his beautiful face!

I imagine the pain and suffering he has caused countless others before me, and it makes me furious. I want to drive a stake right through his black heart, but by a stupid twist of fate I'm just another one of his victims. Nobody is coming to save me this time. Adam doesn't even know where I am. Gabe is out of the country. I'm sure the curator has either been persuaded that I left already or he's dead.

I hope he's not dead.

"What do you want with me, Zac?" I ask, standing taller.

I'm tired of feeding him my fear. If I'm going to die tonight, it's not without a fight. He seems to take notice of my change in posture and demeanor.

I glare at him with as much hate as I can imply. I reach down and take off my heels one by one. I toss the first, but hold on to the other. It's particularly pointy.

His eyes start to glow and his smile broadens. Not the result I was going for.

We have both stopped moving along the wall. I'm almost to the corner, anyway.

"What has Adam told you about me...himself...our past?" he asks as he sits on a bench.

I know this will be over more quickly if I run.

"Nothing. Only that he has been hunting you for a ridiculously long time. Why don't you tell me, Zac?" I sit on the opposite bench, as far away as possible.

Maybe if I keep him talking another opportunity will present itself.

"I was wondering about that. He enjoys painting me in a bad light, I'm afraid. I'm sure he didn't tell you that he stole my one true love from me," he says, watching me.

I can't help but study his face. It's hard to believe something so beautiful could be so evil.

"He poisoned her mind against me, and married her to seal the deal." His beautiful face is twisted in hate now, and I can see the murderous rage boiling under the surface.

I think it's too late to change the subject now.

"No, he never told me that. That's a pretty shitty thing to do. Were the two of you friends?" I ask, keeping my face blank.

RED NIGHT ~ VAMPIRE FILES TRILOGY (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now