So short :(

210 4 13

A/N: this is another day btw

Deku: OMG we had Himika Toga from the Villains on our chat yesterday!
Hagakure: WHAT?! Really!!???
-Pinky changed Hagakure's name to InvisibleGurl-
Pinky: Hm that's suites you better
Deku:  Hold one, someone thinking what I'm thinking?!
Tusyu: Yes I'm doing it *Ribbit*
-Tusyu changed InvisibleGurl's name to InvisaBish-
InvisaBish: WOW thanks 👏🏻
Pinky: Yasss
Aoyama: Hello, I'm changing my name ✨
-Aoyama changed his name to UwU-
Deku: We all saw that coming -_-
RedRoit: Hey!! Who what's to Meme???

A/N: RoseSilverDragon told me I spelled RedRoit wrong and it's supposed to be RedRiot, BUT I AM NOT GONNA CHANGE IT cAuSe iM tOo lAzY tO

Deku: What's "Meme" ??
Bakugo: Boi you need help
RedRoit: OH NO YOU DIDNT. OPHTHALMOLOGIST is a long word. Hmm what does it mean?
InvisaBish: I can't, I just can't with y'all-_-
UwU✨: We are too much for you...? :)
InvisaBish: I have to go ... somewhere
Deku: Sure bai

 somewhereDeku: Sure baiRedRoit: MEME TIME

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Todoroki: Ah hahah

Everyone says bye and leaves  UASE IM TOO LAZT FOR THAT -_-

A/N: I'm sorry I was r\REALLY Busy and I was not able to write a lot T_T

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