chapter 25 (the end)

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Five years later


I landed in America finally after five years! Five fucking years away from my brothers I never forgot them as hard as he tried to make me I never did and finally he gave up and let me go.

A lot changed in this five years I am now 19 I am no longer shy, I no longer have panick attacks in crowds or malls or when people stare at me I just ignore them but I am still not loud or talkative, I am now tall and handsome and I miss my brothers a lot.

I know their collage and the place where they live I will never let anything slip from me.

I took my car and went straight to Adam's and Ian's college.

I arrived I got out of my car and leant my back on it half an hour and they will finish their lectures and come out.

I am so excited to see my brothers back ! It was so hard without them I almost commit suicide but they saved me.

Adam POV

I am so happy today! I don't know why? I wasn't as happy like this since Dad took leo away it have been five years he is away of us! did he forgot us as dad said! if he came back one day I will never let him go again I am now stronger and we will be there to keep him safe .

I wish he was here I want to hug him and cuddle him as when he was 14 just a glance to make sure he is okay will be enough to me.

We haven't heard of him since five years except one letter he told us to move with our lives and be happy and he will come back and he will never leave us I am sure it was hell to him! at least we have each other but he.. he have nobody with him he is alone.

I went and took Ian we finished our lectures and now it's the weekend

"Hey" Ian said

"Hey I have a great positive energy but I don't know why" I said to him

"Me too " he answered back

We got out and we saw a young man he was beautiful he was so beautiful, gorgeous not even amistake in his features or body he looked like an angel he ... He is...leo?! He smiled to us and mouthed I missed you I ran to him while Ian was frozen.

leo?! He smiled to us and mouthed I missed you I ran to him while Ian was frozen

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(Leo's picture when he gets old👆)

I ran to him and hugged him tight all the memories of that night came back I will never let him go again he growed into a fine young man, he hugged me back and I felt tears on my neck he was crying it sure was more hard on him than it was on us.

I lifted his head and whipped his tears kissing his forehead

"You grow into a fine young man huh" I teased him and he smiled

"You growed into a musceled one you look like ken now" he said teasing playfully

Ian came and dragged him into a crushing bone hug but leo relaxed and hugged him back

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