"Easy, Marcel! Easy. Let's give Kol a little longer to decide before we lop off his head, hmm?"
Marcel smirked. "Comments like that? He already thinks that you don't care."

"Is that so, brother?" Klaus questioned, intrigued

"You only daggered me a dozen times. You always cared more for Marcel than you did for me." Kol defended himself.

"Well, I didn't realize I had hurt your feelings." He taunted.

"Yeah, well, that's the thing, innit, Nik? You don't know squat about me."

"Thanks to Marcel and Aza, I know all I need to." Kol rolled his eyes in frustration. "You're desperate to be part of this family, aren't you? All of your mischief was just attempts for attention. You know, the truth is, Kol, you're right to feel slighted. I mean that. You're right. But, perhaps there's still time to make it up to you."

Kol looked up at his brother in surprise, and the two stare at each other.

"Right, you two have fun with your little brother bonding. I'll be elsewhere." Azalea interrupted. She sent them a peace sign, before leaving the room.

Azalea walked out of the room Klaus had let her stay in. she was wearing headphones and scrolling through Instagram. She walked out to see Kol, released from his chains, and a brunette girl talking to him. When the girl saw Azalea, she looked back to Kol, confused. Azalea looked at the first floor, to see Klaus and Marcel, unconscious. She pursed her lips doing little finger guns at Davina and Kol.

"Davina, give me a second." Kol said to her, as Azalea crossed her arms.

"Is she on Klaus's side?" She asked, eyeing Azalea.

"Yes, but-"

Davina immediately lifted her hand towards Azalea. She yelled out in pain, grabbing her head. She fell down to one knee and grabbed the railing for support. Slowly, she looked up at Davina, rushing towards her and grabbing her by the neck. "Azalea!"

"What, Kol? Am I hurting your little toy?" She taunted. "Let's see how you like this."

In one quick move, she turned them around and held Davina half way over the railing, her legs no longer touching the ground.

"Aza... my love." He said, in a soft voice. Her face scrunched up in anger. She made a growling noise as she threw Davina back to safety.

"I need to hate you." She shook her head at Kol, backing away from him. "But I can't."

"Then stop trying to." He said, walking towards her. "Forgive me."

She looked down for a second, considering the offer. Before neither of them knew it, he grabbed her chin and made her look up at him, kissing her. She kissed back, slowly getting more intense, until they heard someone clearing their throat. They looked over to see Marcel.

"You might want to know that Kol is with us now, if you're gonna start doing this again. We're going to be going up against Esther, assuming Klaus is... upright." Davina looked at Kol, confused and slightly betrayed.

"Look, Nik is a pain in the ass, but, well... she's a problem for us all." Kol explained.

Davina got angry. "Klaus is the problem! I don't give a damn what happens to Esther."

A blonde girl arrived and joined the conversation. "Yeah, well, I sure do."

She looked at Klaus's body. "Should I even ask?"

Marcel shrugged and rolled his eyes toward Davina.
"Cami, you should go. It's not safe."

"No kidding! I woke up with puncture wounds all up and down my spine and no idea how they got there. According to my uncle's files, they're part of this ancient spell, and I don't know about you guys, but when I see "ancient" and "spell" in the same sentence, I think Esther."

Azalea clapped her hands together. "Great, so Nik's psycho mom is after us. I'm going to get a drink."

Azalea was awoke by Kol, who was shaking her awake. She looked up at him, rolling her eyes, and cuddling up to the pillow again. "What do you want?"

"Oh come on, love. I thought we were made up." He said, moving her hair out of her eyes. She grabbed his wrist before he could pull away. She sat up and looked him in the eyes, not letting go of his wrist.

"Hardly. I just wanted to know what those beautiful witchy lips tasted like, and I was not disappointed." She taunted, smiling. She got closer to his face, their noses nearly touching. "Maybe I'll find a way to get your pesky consciousness out of this body and take Kaleb for myself."

He got angry, grabbing her by the throat harshly. "No."

Her smile grew. "Now that, I'm used to. Your grip is a little less firm, Kol. You're losing your touch."

"You've done your taunting. Are you finished yet?" He asked, letting go of her.

"Are you getting jealous? Maybe because you know in your heart of hearts..." She began to walk up his chest with her middle and pointer finger. "That this, what, twenty year old witch you've inhabited, could take me from you, and it's your fault."

"Is that what you want to hear? That I'm jealous because you're acting like you don't want me? Or that I want you back? Which one would you prefer?"

"Well, do you want me back? You seem to have gotten close to Davina Claire as you were Mary-Alice, and you remember how that went."

"Of course I want you back! I'm not a bloody idiot!"

"Then why go on with Davina like that? You knew I was coming back!" She said, raising her voice.

"Because I needed her to get the diamond." He responded quickly. "Just like I needed Mary-Alice. I swear."

"I didn't believe that a century ago. Why would I now?" She crossed her arms, getting on her knees in the bed.

"Want me to prove it to you?" He suggested. She nodded, pursing her lips. He grabbed her hands, putting them on the sides of his head, allowing her to search his mind.

She saw him with Davina in Lafayette cemetery, and in a cabin, then she saw Mikael. She saw how Davina defended Kol against him. Then she saw them back at Lafayette cemetery, over a table of dark objects. Kol's hands were on the table as they both searched for the diamond. Davina's fingers touched his and he immediately pulled his hand away.

As she came back to reality, he raised his eyebrows. "Is going inside my head proof enough for you?"

She smirked, looking up at him. "There's a few more things you could do."

He pushed her down in the bed, climbing on top of her.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'..'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

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