I'm forced to work with the one I hate most.

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 "(Y/N)!" Hawks called from another room, "We're going out with Endeavor. Come on!"

    "No!" I yelled back, leaning back into the chair in my office, "I refuse."

Hawks stood in my doorway, leaning against the frame, "Come on, (Y/N). And put on your hero suit. We're technically on duty."


So, not only did I put on my hero suit, but we ended up meeting Endeavor.  

I walked down the street with Hawks and Endeavor, my arms crossed. 

   "So," Hawks said, "Do you guys know each other? " 

   "More or less," I grumbled. 

   Endeavor looked at me, "(Y/N)-"

"It's Nereid to you. Please don't speak to me," I glanced to the side where I saw a man flashing a building. I rolled my eyes and shot out ice daggers. Then, I watched as Hawks' feathers and my daggers both plunged into the man's back. 

"So, Endeavor," Hawks said ignoring my shortness with Endeavor, "Do you have a favorite food? I know a place that serves some amazing," Hawks drew out the word 'amazing', "Mizutaki. The chicken flavor really comes through."

   I coughed, "Cannibal."

Hawks laughed, "Maybe," he turned to Endeavor, "The mizutaki might be a little heavy, though. How hungry are you?"

I heard someone scream and I turned to see a dog running in front of a truck. I let out a whip of water, wrapping around the dog and pulling it away from the truck. 

I continued walking with Hawks and Endeavor, unphased. 

"I could really go for some yakitori too, though!" Hawks said, "Yoritomi's chicken liver is addicting."

   "Ah," I said, "Still a cannibal, Chicken Wings."

   Before Hawks could answer we heard someone call out to us, "Yo, Hawks! Nereid!"

Hawks and I both turned our attention to a crowd of people walking towards us. 

   "It's pretty rare to see you guys walking around these parts," someone said to us. 

   "Just trying to have some fun," I replied, smiling.

Hawks was pulled away by his fans. A few people walked up to me, "Nereid! Congrats on having one of the highest approval rates!"

   I laughed, "Ah, I don't do any work. I shouldn't even be anywhere near the top."

"Nonsense! My daughter loves you," I saw a girl standing next to her, around the age of fourteen. Her face was red, "She says she's going to apply to UA so she can be just like you," her mom laughed, "She even drew herself in your hero suit. It's hanging on her wall!"

   "Mom!" The girl yelled, embarrassed. 

"Hey," I smiled, "I think that's really cool," I created a small dragon ice sculpture and coated it in permafrost. I handed it to her, "Here. It won't melt."

   Her eyes shone as she took it, "So cool!"

I took a few pictures and signed a few things for people. I really wasn't used to this. I don't go out much, and I guess I never really noticed that I had fans. 


Endeavor, Hawks, and I went to eat. I sat down next to Hawks and focused on my food, refusing to meet Endeavor's eyes. 

   "(Y/N)," Touya fell onto my bed, putting his arm over his eyes. 


Dabi x Reader: Azure FlamesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang