Secret quirks are a lifesaver (quite literally)

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I don't know why I had so much trouble falling asleep. It could be the unfamiliarity of this room, or it could be the fact that I found myself not hating the psychopath who stalked me, broke into my home, threatened everyone I care about and is actively blackmailing me.

I should hate him. But I can't.

Plus, I had school tomorrow. God, I need to go to sleep.

I left my window unlocked like I said I would. I watched the window from my bed.

And just like that, a shadowy figure appeared by my window. I jumped out of bed and stumbled towards the window, opening it.

Dabi spilled into my room, clutching his stomach. He coughed up blood and sprawled himself on my floor.

What the fuck happened to him?

I dropped down next to him, "Dabi? What happened?"

He coughed, "It's nothing, Dollface. You should see the other guy."

"I'm not looking at the other guy. I'm looking at you. And you look terrible."

"Geez, harsh."

My hands moved to his shirt, which was soaked in blood, and I started to lift it. Dabi protested but I ignored him and lifted his shirt fully. There was a pretty large gash on his stomach. It looked like someone shanked him or something. It was not pretty.

"What the fuck, Dabi?!" I whisper yelled, "You could die from something like this."

"I don't die that easily," he struggled to get up, "I'm fine. I just need to rest."

"No. You need to let me heal that," I pushed him onto my bed.

"What are you going to do? Whip out your first-aid kit? You have a water quirk, (Y/N). Not really something you can heal me with."

"It's not the only quirk I have," I mumbled.


"I had to inherit something from my mother, right?" I fiddled with my fingers, "Don't get grossed out."

"Why would I...?"

My mother's quirk allows her to secrete a substance anywhere from her body which is kind of like a "miracle juice". It can heal almost anything. My father had a water quirk, as I do. Unlike my father, I could secrete water from anywhere on my body, just like my mom could with her "miracle juice". My father could only manipulate water that already existed, which I could do as well. When it comes to my mother's quirk, I had her "miracle juice" on a smaller scale. My mother could restore organs, she could cure cancers, fix virtually anything. All the patient had to do, was drink it. I, on the other hand, could heal wounds like Dabi's. But, I couldn't just secrete that substance from wherever I wanted. To be frank, I could produce it in my saliva, or my blood. The substance in my blood was stronger, but Dabi's wound wasn't that bad.

Besides, I didn't really want to cut myself to spill blood right now. That left the other option. Saliva.

But, my saliva quirk had its limitations. Unlike my blood, which retained its healing properties long after leaving my body, my saliva did not. Meaning, he needed it straight from the source.

I walked up to Dabi.

Dabi sat up on the bed, clutching his shirt, "What are you doing, Dollface?"

"Don't get grossed out."

"You already said that. But, why?"

"Uh. So, like... I need you to drink my spit."

Dabi x Reader: Azure FlamesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora