Chapter 13

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I slept through the entire party my parents had thrown. My father carried me to my bedroom, how I didn't wake up still surprises me seeing as I'm such a light sleeper. The dream felt so real, my lungs still burn passionately every time I fill them with sweet fresh air. All my energy has gone missing, its almost as the dream sucked the life straight from my soul and left me as a shell of a human wondering on God's green Earth. My mother still high on the idea she had been such a great host showing off the house and the garden. I could hear her humming and singing show tunes through the halls as she dancing in between the rooms. I laid in bed, the desire to act in anything else didn't catch my interest. I felt like a zombie waiting for the sun to set upon my face and set this shell body a blaze as my soul releases to the heavens. My eyes still burn begging for more sleep, the ache to shut my eyes rattled within my face. Fighting back my eyelids I wanted to stay awake I wanted to live. Run in the tall grass, feel the sun warming my skin, or even the rain washing the Earth clean. Before I could even finish my day dreams of life, my eyes were closing and I went to the darkness.


The darkness began to change colors, gray to orange. I was awake but my eyes closed, light was poking through the shields of my eyes. I peaked out to see the sunlight pouring through my bedroom window, the sky blue as robin eggs. I sat up and allowed the light to shake me awake a little more. My body stiff but laying down so much, I wanted to stretch my legs, my bones didn't want to move. The clock on my bedside table read 8:30 the day was still new. As I stood to my feet my legs quivered as if I were on a ship and I'm just getting use to land once again Hips felt stuck as I tried to make strides to the window. I wanted to see the day before I thought of an adventure for the day. 
"Irelynn?" I heard my mother calling from the stairs, her light feet barely making a sound across the wood. She peaked into my room, hair pulled up in beehive, her face powered perfectly. She could either be a barbie or a model both if she really wanted. I wish I inherited my mothers good looks, instead of the mousy face and long fizzy hair that I had. My mother had a waist I did not. 
"You're awake! I was concerned, I was going to send for a doctor if you stayed in bed another day" 
"Oh don't be silly, with all the excitement I must of overdone myself. Besides it was only a day and a half. I turned my back to her to stare out the window. 
"Darling you were in bed for almost a week, you were dead to the world, I kept coming up and checking on you, Now I know you are a grown woman but a mother will never end her worrying over her babies. You felt cold, I honestly though you had died, oh! I called your father up I was too upset to take another look. You were breathing and mumbled to your father. I wanted to call the doctor but your father insisted that I gave you a bit more time, a normal flu he said." She was carrying on being dramatic was her trade. When my mother was young, and just old enough to have the world in her hands. A brand new shiny playground waiting to be played on. Young, my mother wanted to run away from her small town in Hyde, Wisconsin to go be a singer in jazz clubs. The music was still new and coming to life. She wanted to be apart of the birth of a great era. Wear long lengthy dresses the sparkled in the spotlight. Red lipstick that made her face shine like porcelain, and a microphone she could coo into losing herself to the music. Of course that stayed a dream, shortly before mother could save up and runaway she met my father and fell madly in love. 
I cut my off, once she started her over dramatic act it was hard for her to stop, she almost wanted to make a scene and follow through until the end. 
"Thank you Mother, for your concern, but as you can see I am fine, and I am up, Father was right I just needed some rest." I never took my face away from the window. 
"Well-....well I suppose it all worked out well enough....I made blueberry muffins, I'm sure you're starving. Come downstairs after you dress and put something in your stomach." Without waiting for me to hum another word she turned her heels and made her way downstairs. Her footsteps much heavier as they hit each stair. I smiled to myself, I loved my Mother dearly but pointed out when Father was right made her so angry that it was a guilty pleasure that I shouldn't participate in.

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