Chapter 15

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I stared into the eyes that understood, I kept repeating his words in my head. How? How could they know, are there to help me? Help the ghost that's stuck in these halls haunting me until I find some answers. Was this a joke to lighten the mood before they asked me other things.
I realized we were sitting in silence, I let out a laugh, trying my best not to sound nervous, or excited. I was trying to be normal. Something that hasn't been around since I left my home months ago.
"My what?" I asked, sounding light in case they were joking. I didn't want to lead on anymore than what they knew. The fear of being judged, or someone else knowing the strange things that are happening to me. Were they testing my sanity?
Jack and Betty looked at each other, waiting for one to take the lead in whatever they were trying to say. I wanted them to know, I wanted someone to share these secrets with. Something to make me feel as if I wasn't going crazy. I just realized I was tired of being alone. I needed someone to help me. To take some of the fear, some of the questions. and some of the emotions that I haven't learned to dwell with yet. My hands in my lap were growing sweating as they kepted fiddling with one another. I was anxious. Jack leaned in closer, his eyes meeting mine. There was an heaviness that sank into his eyes, the darkness.
" have seen her haven't you?" His voice was in a whisper yet I heard it so loudly. As though he were screaming those words at me. There was a need in his eyes, hoping for someone to share this burden with. The same need that I had wanted in sharing this, none of us wanted to be alone. We wanted to lean on one another for support. To hear someone else say they have witnesses and felt the pain of the horror that laid in this house, in those woods. To help hold up the heaviness that has weight us down and part of the town.
"What exactly do you mean?" I wanted to remain cool, I didn't want to jump out of my skin yet. I wanted to know all the information that Jack and Betty knew before spilling my own. The need to have people to share this secret with may be judging my state of mind.
" The woman, with the cold stare, torn dress...she sometimes stays in the woods..." I sat up straight, he did know, he must of see her. How many places does she hide, how many people has she tried to reach out too.
"You have...I can see it in your eyes." the quiet Betty finally spoke, she knew my secrets. I bounced my eyes from them both. This wasn't a joke, I could feel the fear
"How do you know about this?" Was this something the entire town knew about? Could I possible get some answers ? or will the three of us have a deep secret to share together.
Betty looked toward the woods, her mind stuck on something, her eyes perhaps begging for some truth. Without looking toward me I knew she was about to explain something rich to me.
"Of course, there's always been wise tales about the ghosts of this place. How could rumors not fly around with the history of this land. Things like murder and angry lovers don't happen in towns like ours. We went to Eloise Ruenschurg, she's very close to our grandmother. We were suppose to help her move somethings around in her storage, a favor to our grandmother. We were cleaning and helping her move, she had so many things in such a tight space. Wonderful things, belongings that have been in her family for lifetimes we cannot imagine." She took a deep breath, finally turning to look at her brother and I. Life sparked back into her eyes, recharged from the exhaustion that a secret carried. " Well, Jack and I found a picture of this house, from the time that the McIntire's lived here. With a maid, a couple of kids and a woman. We asked Eloise why she had a picture of the house and the servants. She was best friends with the head maid here back in the time. She remembers everything very well. We're not suppose to say much more, but ask you if you will come to her house this afternoon. There's much that needs to be talked about."
I sat there, scared, relieved, I couldn't tell what exactly I was thinking. Everything since I moved has been so overwhelming that I can't tell truth from what I secretly wished to hear. What is this they are trying to pull, and Eloise, what she just making up stories to scare more people of the town from the horror that has been lingering through this almost ghost town.
"Oh don't be silly Betty, she was pulling your leg about the ghost. She was trying to scare you."I waved it off, I wasn't about to be a fool to anyone's humor. I felt protective of Adaline, no one should ever make jokes or silly stories over what happened to her. It wasn't funny, it wasn't to be amusing. This was her life, and it ended before she got a chance to live. She deserve respect. Dammit, she deserved to live.
Betty's face turned red, as if all the blood stopped in her face. her eyes changed as I could rage filling her body. Swelling until she was about to pop.
"SHE IS NOT" her voice growing, she must of caught on, she cleared her throat as a hushed voice came out. " She told us things and judging by the look on your face when we mentioned the ghost it all must be true. All she does it want to help you help the lady. She's seen her too. The ghost of Adaline. She wants to see you to tell you .That's all we;ll be there entire time." Her eye pleading.
"That's right, we'll be there every step of the way. Let's all go and learn everything we can. There's something here Irelynn, whether you want to admit it or not. I can feel the charge in the air,. The energy that is swirling around us. We need to help her if shes lost here.
"What if she's stuck?" I answered. I always knew there was something deep to the story, Adaline wasn't at rest this I have known before I even arrived at the house. I was afraid, there was a darkness that came as well. I wanted that darkness to stay hidden, what if we unleashed whatever it was. Waiting to trapped us, to savage our souls.
"Another reason to go to Eloise and find out what has happened, what we can do."
"Jack, how can we trust her, how can I trust you. I barely know the two of you." I went to stand before I felt Betty's hand on my wrist.
"We hardly know you as well, you must remember that. It takes a lot for us to come here and make a mockery of ourselves. With ghosts and sad tales. We are good people Irelynn, we don't go making up things to hurt people. We may not have any reason to trust one another but shouldn't we. Why not. What are you so afraid of?
I shook Betty's grip off my wrist, its wasn't hard, she was so petite she didn't have much strength. I stood tall looking down at them as they seated. The plea in their eyes was almost convincing. What do I have to lose anyways. To be a joke, worst things in life. I need to take more risks, why question everything. Adaline took a risk and look where it lead her.
"Please, Irelynn, we could really get to the bottom of a mystery that has been in this town for two decades, We could release a spirit. Freedom Irelynn. We can give someone freedom."
Freedom I whispered in my mind. Tasting the word,feeling it. Freedom, everyone should be free. Ghosts is there just a such a thing. I've never questioned my sanity more than I have at this very moment.
"You really believe this Eloise's stories?" I asked, They both nodded at the same time. Something was telling me this just wasn't a story.
"Well when do we leave?"

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