"Alright then. Miss L/n to the stand please." I hesitantly walked while I fiddled with my fingers, still behind my back and I to cuffs. I sat down at the seat and leaned forward so I was comfortable. "Now, can you explain the murder of Tiffany Greene?" Just was listening intently and it kind of scared me, "She was alone, strapped to a chair," I started memories of her broken self burned into my mind, "then Jeff came in-" I was interrupted by the judge, "Whom is this Jeff character you speak of?" I cleared my throat, "A childhood friend of mine, he was burned alive and didn't come home the same person." I said. She nodded and looked at more papers, "Continue."

"He came in and began scalping her. I- I was forced to watch." A sob escaped me and a few tears trailed down my face. All I seemed to be doing is crying as of lately, "After that, she was left alone for some more hours- I'm not sure how many. All I know is he wrapped up her head then left her alone once more." I took a second to calm my breathing, "I managed to escape and I tried to help her. I really did! But she just died! Right there! In my arms! Poof gone!" I started raising my voice and I had to be shushed. "Very well, regarding the events, how did you end up in this whole situation?" Mrs. Whiterock asked. "I was paying my mother a visit-"

"That has nothing to do with the events Miss L/n." Judge Judy snarked out. I glanced at her before continuing. "Uhm, well a few days later, she died. I went to find out if it was true and traced to where her body was found. I found the guy I think his name was Ron. Well I found the guy and I left as I was leaving, I accidentally knocking into someone-"

"Was that someone Jeff?" Mrs. Whiterock interrupted. I nodded, "Yes, I found out later after I had awoken in a bed."

"How did you get in the bed?" Judy asked me. "Well, he knocked me out after I bumped into him." She stared at me before turning away to look at the crowd of people. "Go back to the stand." Whispered the officer beside me. I walked back and nervously bit at my bottom lip. "I hereby declare Y/n L/n serve her sentence for insanity. This woman clearly has many stories to tell and not one add up." Many whispers and some shouts filled the courtroom. Mrs. Whiterock came to me and hugged me. "You'll be safe after this okay? I promise." She hugged me and turned to talk to a few people. I was escorted out and flashing of cameras, clicks, and people shouting filled my eardrums.

*Third person POV*

The deafening sound of silence filled Y/n's ear drums as she sat in the plain white room. Nothing but a bed, a light in the ceiling, and herself filled up the white room. She nearly drifted off to sleep when a scream from another room made her jump and scream herself, "I'm sorry!" She quickly sputtered. She held her arms up in defense and squeezed her eyes tight. With a quick moment of hesitation, she uncoiled her fists and brought her arms down all the while opening her e/c eyes. "Oh right.." She laughed with no emotion and sat down on the floor. She stared at the wall and didn't move an inch.

"Y/n~" My heart stops and, ever so slowly, I turn my head to be faced with wide blue eyes.

"Watch with pleasure. If not," he pauses and reaches into his white hoodie pocket, "I'll do to you what I did to that bitch."

I thrashed and tried kicking him, but due to Smile putting pressure on my neck, I instantly stopped all movement.

I recounted the few small times I'd been hurt or down right abused by the man and his dog or even simultaneously watched. Even with all the bad memories a few stood out.

He gently spoke, while he wiped around the area first, to keep the dirt from getting back into the wound once he wiped it off.

I don't know if you remember or not, but I told you I'm not going to kill you. Now, are you hungry?" He asked, changing the subject.

"No trying to escape. It doesn't work anyway." He stated like it was an order. I rolled my e/c eyes. "Yeah whatever, Dad. I won't go see my boyfriend. I'll stay in my room on my phone, telling my friends how you're a rule enforcing piece of trash." I heard him snicker. "Shut up, Stupid." He stopped the chair and helped me onto the bed.

"Do you want to watch TV?" He asked, breaking the moment of silence. "I can do that?" I asked, like I've never seen television before. "I don't know, do you have eyes?" He sarcastically said back to me. "No, clearly not!" I retorted, shoving my mouth full of soup.

I smiled, 'I knew that none of that could be fake. No one can make up a story or person like that. Jeffery Woods is real and so is Liu Woods. I know it and nothing can change my mind on the matter.' I jerked my head to the right as the door slid open and I saw a female. "Hello," she greeted in a calm voice, almost like a mother soothing her crying child. "I'm Haven Reece, but you can just call me Haven. Now, I want you to tell me a little bit about yourself. Can you do that for me?" His soothing voice helped me feel less jittery and more calm. "I like art." I said. She smiled like a proud mother, "Art is good. My daughter Elana also likes art. I'm sure the two of you would get along just fine. As for today, I'm here for your therapy." I nodded slowly, the woman's name seemed oddly familiar, I just couldn't quite place where I heard it from. "O-okay."

"Great. Tell me your situation and I'll help you understand what really happened, are you ready?" For what seemed to be the thousandth time, I told her my story. "Okay I see what happened. When you thought you met, or bumped into, this Jeff you've created-" I cut her off. "Jeff is real! He's not just my imagination! Say it again and I'll, I'll-" I stopped and I smiled and eerie smile, "I'll stab you." The woman was taken aback by my words and she moved to the door. "Listen at you, Honey." She said before leaving my room. I let out a scream, "You don't know what you're talking about! He is real! I swear on it! He's real! Just you wait! He'll come for me and when he does, you'll be dead! All of you will be dead!" I shouted to the top of my lungs. I kicked the door for extra measure, but that was very clearly a mistake as the pain shot up my leg and made it throb in pain. "Fuck!" I shouted and I finally thought about what I had told the woman. "I-I'm sorry! Come back, please don't leave me!" I called out and three myself to the ground to stare at the wall. The door opened again and I saw Haven. "Would you like to continue?" She quietly asked. I nodded like a child and moved into the center of the room. "Tell me again." I said. "When you thought you bumped into this Jeff, you blacked out and went on a rampage. I say the death if your mother had caused this." She held out her hand, "Give me your hand. I think I know a way to keep you from snapping at me again." I held out my hand to her and she placed on a tight black bracelet. "I'm going to place another on your other wrist and one on your neck, okay?" I nodded, not knowing what it was. She placed them on. "Alright. Now, please tell me more." I continued on with my story and she listened, took notes, and even butted in when she had to, to tell me what really happened. I yelled at her a few more times and she shocked me back to reality, literally. "That's the first session of therapy done. For tomorrow, we'll go over your story again and again until you get it right. Okay?" I scratched at the bands and my neck, "okay." I quietly spoke, my throat sore for hours of yelling and being shocked. "I hope to see you better tomorrow." She waved goodbye and left the room. I really wanted to beg her not to leave me, but I had hope she would be back tomorrow." I curled up on the bed, not bothering to get under the thin sheet and comforter. 'Jeff isn't real. Jeff isn't real.' I repeated this several more times before I dozed off with one last thought, 'He's very much real.'


Hello! How are you today? Hope you've had an amazing day! --- Jenny

Never Leave You //Jeff The Killer X Reader.(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now