Crooked laughter made you snap your head to the side. You saw Liu doubled over on the ground. Your breathing was ragged, and didn't seem to send any air in your lungs as you tried your best to steady your breathing. Your heart felt as though it would stop at any moment from how fast it was beating. You ran a scratched up hand to your hair and held onto it. You looked down at your legs and to your horror you saw the marks from your dreams on your legs. The wound on your damaged leg finally seemed to burn and itch now that you had looked at it, and the scratches on your other leg felt no different. Your head started pounding at each sound around you and you grasped your hair with both hands. "You should have seen the look on your face! I-I can't-," Liu, once more, erupted into a fit of laughter and gasped for air. You looked at him in horror and pulled your legs up to your chest, only now did you register you were sitting in a sloppy mud puddle. "W-why..?" You choked out. His laughter abruptly stopped and he looked at you, before stalking closer and crouching down to your level. "Why, you ask? Because I'm not one to play nice when my toys run away. Just be grateful I didn't take your purity away." You scooted back further away from him and shook with fear. The only thing you could think of was, 'where was Jeff?' Not that you particularly wanted them both around you, at least you felt somewhat safer near the paper white killer. Unlike his brother, Liu seemed to have no remorse for any of his actions, and it truly showed in the way he went back to laughing at your terrified form. As you tried to stand, you slipped in the muddy water and fell on your left side. Your small slip up- no pun intended- had left Liu breathless as he literally started rolling on the ground. You slowly got back up and hissed in pain as your legs burned even more from the dirty water getting in them. Smile came over to you and let out a soft whimper. He then nuzzled your hand and you jerked it away, still mad at him for making you fall. After Liu had settled down, he grabbed your upper arm. "Let's go, can't keep Jeff waiting, or he'll have a cow." You tried pulling your arm away, but he tightened his grip. He pulled you forward and you winced. "I- I can't walk." You softly said, unsure if you speaking would put Liu into a rage. "Well, you better. I'm not giving you a ride." He scoffed, "Smile, find Jeff." He ordered the dog. You wished you'd never spoken to the boys in your earlier years. Maybe, just maybe then you'd be happily married, or at least have a boyfriend to keep you company. Too bad this situation you had found yourself in is far from being happy. "How is your arm?" You blurted out to distract yourself from the searing pain in both legs. For obvious reasons, your arm wasn't bothering you all that much. He chuckled, "Worried about me? It's fine." With the words that left his mouth, he sent a harsh glare daring you to speak again. You kept silent and gasped when a sudden sting traveled up your leg, causing you to stumble fall. "Listen here. It's not that hard to walk! And if you fall one more mother fucking time, I'm gonna make sure you have a reason not to walk." He harshly pulled you up and shoved you ahead of him to follow Smile. You slowly started to walk after you felt a sharp object poke into your back. Each step felt like lava under your feet, thankfully, you had thought of shoes during the phone call. Too bad you didn't have your suitcase of clothes. You let a few tears fall to the cold ground as you followed the huge dog. Smile barked and dashed off a bit further ahead of the two of you and jumped on a looming figure. "Smile, you damn mutt!" Jeff yelled. You had never been so happy to see him in your life. You forgot all about your wounded legs and ran to Jeff. You wrapped your arms tightly around his torso and started bawling. Jeff looked at you and then at Liu. "What the heck did you do to her?" He asked, glaring down his older brother. "Well, I only gave her a fitting punishment. I knocked her out, dragged her to the woods, stabbed her leg, then I put a few scratches, that are surely burning like hell right now, on the other leg." Liu said, no remorse in his voice, if any, he sounded delighted at what he had done. Jeff huffed and wrapped his arms around you. "Don't touch her again." He firmly said, looking around the surrounding area. "You should go back and get her stuff." Liu scoffed. "Why can you do it? I'll take extra good care of Y/n." You held onto Jeff tighter at his words and he shook his head. "Just go get the clothes. I'll meet you in the town, come find us." With a loud huff Liu replied, "Whatever man." With a swift turn, the honey hair colored male stormed back in the direction of your mother's house. "What did he do to you?" Jeff asked looking down at you, while he gently pushed you back just enough, so he could see your face. With a small sniffle and a rub to the eye, you spoke with a few shaken words, "He stabbed my leg, h-he also cut the other. " You took a moment before speaking again, trying to stop yourself from breaking down. "I- he- He said he wanted to do things to me." You managed to hold back a sob, but that didn't stop more tears from flowing down your pale face. Jeff looked like he was going to kill his brother. "I'll have to look at them later," he began to speak, but took a sharp breath to keep from sounding like he was mad at you. "For now, let's get under some shelter. It's going to storm soon." Without a warning, your feet swung from underneath you and you were lifted into strong arms. You wrapped both arms around his neck. "Come on, Smile. We need to get a move on." Smile barked, and followed beside his owner and best friend.

Never Leave You //Jeff The Killer X Reader.(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now