Chapter 1.) Origins

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"Reports show that crime has been down twenty percent over the past few months. Our nation's heroes are making sure that—" The female news reporter's voice is cut short as the channel is changed to a TV drama instead.

Fifteen-year old Nora Harrison sits on the couch with her younger siblings on either side of her. "Nora, the entrance exams for Golden Oak Academy are coming up soon. Are you excited? You could be one of the next top heroes." Her little brother, Theodore, says enthusiastically basically bouncing up and down on the sofa cushions. His blue eyes seem to shimmer in excitement at the simple thought of the school while Nora's hazel eyes stay glued to her phone.

"Theo, she has to get IN first and that entrance exam is no walk in the park. Not only will she be tested physically but mentally as well. She won't be able to just prance in through the front doors because she has a super power." This time her little sister, Kennedy, pipes up like the know it all she is. She clicks through the channels on the TV with an annoyed expression on her face. "Besides getting the abilities of a literal cat won't be that impressive compared to other students."

"Yeah well I think you're just jealous because she has a cooler power than us." Theodore retorts before sinking into the back of the couch, pouting as the TV continues to spout random phrases as the channels are repeatedly switched.

Nora's cat ears lay flat against her head as she does her best to ignore her younger siblings, refreshing the Golden Oak Academy page over and over and over again. Golden Oak is the most prestigious school of its kind in the North East if not the entire country. It specializes in training its young students in the Hero, Sidekick, and Support professions.

Around 70% of the world's population have super abilities ever since the freak lab accident in the 60's. A lab called Wyvern labs was testing humans without the government's permission. They wanted to create a race of humans that had unique abilities in order to help maintain order with the human race. However, there was a break in at the labs and the super serum was stolen. Soon enough, babies with super abilities were being born at a rapid rate, and adults who had never shown signs of special abilities before were starting to do things that shouldn't be possible. No one is really sure how the spread started though many people began to theorize that it was like an airborne virus while others argued it was spread through our water systems.

Flash forward around 60 years and now the Earth is full of super people. Technology continues to evolve at an expeditious rate to accommodate for the new abilities that were continuing to spread all over the world.

However with the spread of the special abilities, naturally the amount of crime began to rise tremendously. That's where the Hero and Sidekick occupations came into play. At first the world was in chaos by the lack of rules and structure, but a group of people came together and proposed that in order for a person to display their abilities in a public way, you'd have to have a license. These licenses are much like a drivers license in a sense that they prove you have shown signs of success in the course you are pursuing; however, unlike a drivers license, this license takes years to prove you have what it takes to earn it.

Hence, the creation of super academies. Golden Oak is a large castle-like academy based on the outskirts of New York City. It's well known for its super program and it just so happens to be holding its entrance exams for the upcoming freshmen fairly soon.

This is exactly why Nora was refreshing the page repeatedly. They were supposed to be announcing the date of the exams soon, and she wanted to be ready. Being a pro hero is something she's always wanted. Ever since she was a little girl, she preferred masks over tiaras and capes over gowns. Her mother and father both went to regular high schools and neither one of them pursued a hero career, but she was going to be different. She wanted to make a difference in the world.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2020 ⏰

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