Pocket Healer

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Torbjörn had waited for his daughter in a not too patient manner. He didn't like waiting, it made him feel like he was wasting time when he could be working. Luckily his daughter didn't inherit his patience, but she did have his stubbornness and his craftsmanship.

When Reinhardt walked in to ask the short man where Brigitte was, alarm bells went off in that thick skull of his. If Brigitte wasn't with Reinhardt and she wasn't with him, then she's most likely wasting time with her girlfriend, Hana Song.

It's not that he didn't approve of the young gamer, but... okay, he doesn't fully approve of Hana and her tendency to fool around and play games all day. Torb can't even stand the thought of sitting in one place for that long. He needed to do something useful with his hands and his skill. He's afraid Brigitte might start picking up Hana's tendencies.

"You shouldn't make a big fuss about it," Reinhardt told his best friend. "If she wishes to spend the day with her girlfriend, then I see no problem with that."

Torbjörn, who had been walking as fast as he could down the hall, grumbled at the kind German. "I don't mind them spending time together, but they can't stay cooped up in a little room all day."

"Torbjörn, my friend, you realize you do the same thing right?" Reinhardt points out.

"But I'm putting in good use of my time," Torbjörn responds in a defensive manner.

As the two walk down to the living quarters, Reinhardt can spot Hana walking out of her room. She's chewing on a piece of gum and has a handheld console in her hands.

She's hyper-focused on the game in front of her and Reinhardt would hate to interrupt her while gaming. Torbjörn could have cared less though. Torb was more of a cards and board games kind of man anyway.

Besides sharing a short stature and knowing how to fix things up, Torbjorn knowing more than Hana, the two have nothing else in common. Sure Hana can keep up in a conversation with Brigitte and Torbjorn, but only barely. But that's not the point.

"Hana, where's my daughter," Torbjorn asked, straining to keep the demanding tone down. "I haven't seen her all day."

Hana held up a finger and popped her gum. She had to win a quick smash bros brawl before answering the short man. "Yeah, I saw her. I think she was lifting some weights with Zarya and Fareeha earlier. She's probably in the shower right now." Hana finally answered as she slipped the gaming console in her sweatpants pocket.

Torbjorn stared at Hana hard. She stared back at him with little emotion. The man grumbled a thank you and walked away. Reinhardt smiled and gave the Korean a more sincere thank you before following his short friend back to the garage.

Hana waited for the two men to be out of view and released a heavy sigh of relief. "They're gone."

In the pocket on Hana's left breast popped out a small Brig. She too released a sigh of relief before looking up at Hana with a frown.

"Look, I know you don't like lying to them, but would you have everyone know that you're like this?" Hana says.

Brigitte still frowns before sinking back into Hana's breast pocket. She's not pleased with the situation that she's been put in and she definitely is not happy that Hana lied to her pappa and Reinhardt about her whereabouts. But it's for her own good. She doesn't need everyone to know what's happened to her.

Brigitte would at least want her father to know since the poor man will be worrying about her all day, but it's probably for the best if he didn't know.

"Now, let's go see if Angela has some type of magical medicine that can reverse this." Hana continues her walk down the hall. She and Brigitte hope Angela can fix this.

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