Chapter 10 | Blades

Start from the beginning

Jaskier looked to Geralt again and hummed as he went to stand, hissing at his foot as he remembered that he had hurt it. He sighed, fucks sake he hated it already and it's been less than 24 hours. He looked over to his look and smiled at it fondly. 

He decided it might be best just to sit and stay there like he originally planned to... He looked to Geralt with a small sheepish smile. "Did you sleep okay?" he asked lightly, gently placing a hand on Geralt's thigh with the smile aimed at him, voice unforgivingly deep for him.

Geralt POV

"Alright," Geralt muttered, swinging his legs around to get off the ouch, careful to not accidentally kick Jaskier as he did so. Geralt stood, the events of the previous night returning as he awoke fully. 

The shame he felt deepened and he looked away from Jaskier, choosing to examine the kitchen floor where the Crystal glass had shattered instead. He couldn't see any more shards of crystal, but the floor was in fact interesting. He'd never noticed the slight patterns in the lino before, and how they differed square to square.

Jaskier's hand on his thigh was new. His knees had been touched the night before after Geralt had done the same. Thighs felt a bit personal. But perhaps he was reading too much into it. Yes, that was it. Jaskier had fallen asleep on top of him, this was just a friendly gesture. Between a client and his bodyguard, but it was the thought that counted.

Geralt slowly got to his feet and stretched, one arm after the other. He looked to Jaskier, who was sitting after his failed attempt at standing. Geralt's eyes went to the cause on the man's foot. It was still wrapped, which was a relief. In the dark and the panic of the previous night, Geralt hadn't gotten a good enough look to tell if this gash needed stitches as well. If it had, they hadn't been in a great position to do them. 

He just had to hope pressure and compression had worked well enough while they slept. Geralt brought his eyes back to Jaskier's face, subconsciously unfocusing them as he reached behind his head. He took hold of the leather tie holding his hair and tugged it out, letting the tangled white strands fall to his shoulders again. He shook them out and went to retie them.

Julian POV

Jaskier smiled as he saw Geralt look at him, something was wrong, he seemed stiff. Stiffer than usual, that is. Jaskier went to say something but as soon as he noticed Geralt reach behind his own head he frowned a bit wondering what he was doing before he watched as the hair came down and framed his face. 

Jaskier was stunned, lips parted and eyes slightly widened. He didn't think that the man could get any more physically attractive, which anyone in their right mind knew he was. "Beautiful." he had let it slip, it was in a soft voice, almost a breathy one as he snapped out of it and cleared his throat.

Jaskier looked at Geralt with a small smile before it faded, his eyes going to the counter as he shivered. "We should um, call the authorities for that there. I can't fully remember what it was due to panic but I take it I wouldn't want to remember it."

Jaskier stood up off the couch, now that he was more awake he could tolerate some of the actual pain in his foot and find some balance. He tested walking on it slightly and hissed under his breath.

"Lord knows I need a shower now. Can I get that wet? Do you need to take a slash?" he asked Geralt as he pointed to his foot and then the bathroom, it's normal for the body to want to do a first pee of the day so he thought he'd ask.

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