|His skin looks so soft. . .|

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A person who usually goes along unnoticed and doesn't talk much. They are usually considered loners but are actually mostly shy or introverts. Wallflowers are also usually sincere and kind-hearted people who are misunderstood, and tend to be genuinely interesting once they open up and talk to you, though you'll probably need to talk to them first.
by arealwallflower

Kenma watched the girl make her best attempt to flee the ever so curious and annoying friend of his.

On their way home from a late practice, Kuroo spotted Nekoma's foreign wingspiker as she was passing the plaza in Ikebukoro. She held a semi clear plastic bag with what looked like books to them and he realized she must have gone to buy that manga she's really into.

Kuroo knowing this continuously asked her if she was free to join them for a trip during the summer(as far as Kemma knew there was no other trip but the Summer training camp). And Yerim could only struggle out 'summer', and stammering the rest.

"It'll be fun plus, you'll get to see lots of dudes shaking it up," Kuroo wiggled his eyebrows. "You know, sweaty boys, skin on skin, and what not."

Yerim blushed brightly red as she pictured too many yaoi scenes in her head. Waving her arms in front of her, she shook her head stammering jumbled up words only to cause Kuroo to laugh even louder.

"Kuroo, leave her alone." Kenma finally spoke up, he feared the girl would actually pass out any second and it'd be a pain to have to deal with that.

Ignoring him, Kuroo amused only continued and when they all heard the infamous "Hey hey hey" coming from the direction in front of them, Kenma knew that in only a few seconds the shy wingspiker would only faint on the spot.

Uncharacteristically of himself, Kenma reached for the girl's hand and pulled her along with him leaving a confused Kuroo and approaching Bokuto behind.

Why he did it is unclear to him, but he doesn't look back to see her reaction. He always seems to be saving her from something.

Dragging her to the trees they hide in the park from the two obnoxious captains. They sit in the grass leaning on a tall tree that the bushes mostly bordered around it, both not saying a single word to each other.

Kenma tried to patiently wait and decided to pull out his PSP and boots up the game he was currently working on, while Yerim watches him shyly from the corner of her eye admiring the quiet setter.

"Yerim-chan? Kenma? Oi, where did you guys go?" They could hear Kuroo and Bokuto nearby. She felt her nervousness  overwhelm her, getting goosebumps down her arms she covers her mouth to silence her heavy breathing.

Maintaining both their silence, they stop hearing the two captains after a few minutes and Yerim pokes her head up to see that they were both gone.

"K-Kozume-san, they're gone now." She whispers to him.

He nods but continues to play his game, ignoring the girl beside him. He must have been comfortable sitting here.

She bites her bottom lip and sits back down leaning against the tree deciding to wait in case the captains came by again. Quietly, she lets him play peacefully but observes his features.

While Kuroo and Bokuto were tall and muscular, Kenma was the same height as her, and less bulky than the other two. But his eyes gave off this charm and cool vibe from him. Like he could stare into your soul and attack when you least expect it. But never being able to read his own.

He sure was attractive.  His hair framed his face in almost a way like the characters in her books, and she could only wonder if he's ever dated anyone. Boys and girls alike must be drawn him, he is after all sort of pretty.

His skin looks so soft, she thought. She had the urge to touch it.

Realizing her naughty thoughts she begins to continously slaps her cheeks hard enough to leave herself a bruise.

Kenma startled by it, wondered what could have triggered her to do such a thing, stopped his game and watched her continuously smack her cheeks.

"Stop that," he reached out and held her hands in his.

She blushes as he was only a few centimeters from her face. Her eyes widened and she couldn't help but feel her heart pound really fast.

He's so close. . .

He finally lets go after a few seconds when he realizes she won't do it anymore.

Grabbing his PSP,  he stands up and leaves her sitting there perplexed by the sudden event. Without a word, a blushing Yerim was by herself, and Kenma was gone.

Revised 9/26/20

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