Plastic Girls

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Chapter Two... Plastic Toys Would Have More Respect...

I glared at my nightmarish class schedule.

Biology. PE. English. Chemistry. Geometry. History. Art. Drama.

That was EIGHT classes in a day!

I wondered how they could force us into eight solid hours of classes. Where was our social life?! My first class began at 7am, and lunch wasn't until 12. Breakfast was served at 6am... how stupid!

Luckily, I knew my way to the Science block, thanks to my nighttime wander. I didn't get breakfast until almost seven, and by the time I made it to class I was ten minutes late with a piece of toast hanging out of my mouth in a classy fashion.

The teacher frowned frustratedly.

"And you... what's your name late girl?" she smirked, crossing her arms.

I pulled the piece of toast out of my mouth.

"Holly Cooper," I said quietly.

"Well, thankyou for being late to my class," she frowned, looking towards the class. "The desk at the front is yours. The empty desk at the back is for another late student."

"At... the front?" I said slowly.

"In my classes, everyone sits in alphabetical order," she announced. "So please take your seat, and put your unfinished breakfast away."

I followed the orders, filing the toast in the garbage. She smiled approvingly, and I glared at the desk in front of me. It was so clean, and fancy... and it looked brand new. Hell, it probably was.

"Okay, we're going to discuss reproduction," the teacher announced. "I hope you all took the liberty of collecting your text books from the library, because you're going to need them."

I had actually done this during my afternoon roaming. The librarian didn't leave until 8pm, so I was lucky to have stumbled in there. My textbook load was heavy, and I had stuffed the majority of them in my locker.

"I don't have mine," one boy announced.

"Neither," a girl sighed.

Many other students didn't have theirs, either. The frustrated teacher sent them all off to the library, grinding her teeth. There were only three of us that had actually collected our textbooks, and the teacher looked pleased about that.

As we sat there waiting for all the other students to return, the mysterious late student walked through the door. She could have been a Barbie doll, she looked so perfect. And so fake. Her dead straight, waist-length blonde hair hung perfectly around her lightly tanned face. Her glassy blue eyes looked like contacts they were so blue. Her uniform looked immaculate as it clung perfectly to her toned body. She was tall, and her black heels made her look even taller. Her model-like legs were covered with the mandatory black stockings, but without them her legs would have to be perfect.

I hated girls like this.

"And your name is...?" the teacher who had yet to identify herself asked of the newcomer.

"Lelani," she replied simply, in a tone that suggested the teacher should already know this.

"Well, why are you late, Lelani?" the teacher asked.

"I needed my beauty sleep," she answered with a small shrug. We could barely contain our laughs as the teacher frowned.

"That's not an answer," the teacher said in a low voice.

"Well, that's the only one you'll be getting," the girl replied. "Where is Mia sitting? We have to, like, totally sit together."

"What's your surname?" the teacher asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2011 ⏰

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