"I'm not surprised." He said and I licked my dry lips before sticking my lips out and giving him that puppy dog look. It's a look that every person has done at least once in their life.

" Fine. But only from my dresser." He said slamming his closet door closed before I could peak in there.

"Nope, I want to see what's in there." I say putting my hands on my hips.

"I'd rather you not."His deep, husky voice said, his eyes looked mischievous. This only heightened my curiosity and before I knew it I had my hand on the door and was sliding it open. My eyes widened in surprise at what was in it. Clothes. No, not any ordinary plain clothes. They were nice expensive clothes. Towards the back there was black and grey tuxedos and toward the front there was different colored nice shirts and sweaters.

" This can't be your closet." I was still gaping at the different selection of clothes."There's actual colors and designs!" I sputtered out and he rolled his eyes.

" Just f*cking pick something." He snarled, but by the look on his face I could see he didn't really care less. While I was looking through the closet, Caiden seemed to disappear somewhere for a few minutes before returning.

"Here I have some sweatpants and a t-shirt you can wear. They were the smallest pair I could find." He said setting them on the bed. I was relieved since the skinny jeans I was still wearing from yesterday were uncomfortable as they continued to cling to my body. I knew I would be okay in the tank top I was currently wearing so I only responded with a nod, once again thanking him.

"Go put these on." I say pushing a pile of clothes into his bare chest, a sigh released from his mouth before he started to slide the clothes on right in front of me. I grabbed the sweat pants and exchanged them for my skinny jeans. It was odd how comfortable I was becoming around Caiden. Just like how he was relaxing around me I was doing the same thing. This whole situation felt almost normal.

"Do you have any extra toothbrushes?" I yelled knowing he could here me.

"Top drawer on the left." He responded and I opened the drawer to see a few extra toothbrushes. I took time to quickly brush my teeth before leaving the bathroom.

My eyes landed on Caiden's figure, I stayed silent only starting at him. I blinked once, twice and even three times before finally snapping out of my amazement.

"You should wear color more often. It looks good on you." I say awkwardly and he glared fiercely at me.

"You just had to go with the pink shirt didn't you."I responded by giving him a sheepish smile. He honestly looked handsome and looked like a different person with his pink shirt, tie and sweater. The jeans weren't anything new but the vans definitely were. All he seemed to wear were those heavy black boots.

My eyes caught onto a slight change in his hair and I moved closer to him to inspect the change."Did you do something different with your hair?" I asked, it was in the a quiff which I know he only did sometimes.

"Wait a second you're not actually a blonde," I stated as I realize the difference was it was almost darker. "You're a brunette" I went to touch one of the dark strands of hair and he swatted my hand away.

"So I dye my hair blonde. So what? It's not a big deal."

"Why would you change your hair color? I can already tell you would look good with your normal hair color." My eyes widened when I realized I just complimented him. His ego is going to rocket to the moon now.

"It's my way of showing I'm a new person. It shows I won't go back to ever bring the person I use to be." He took a step away from me and headed upstairs. I folded my clothes up in a pile and left them sitting on Caiden's bed before I headed upstairs. A phone went flying towards me as soon as I got to the living room, putting my hands out I easily caught it. It seems basketball and baseball actually came in handy.

I'm A Girl Undercover in an All Boy's SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now