Then, Tasha walks in with the vacuum running.

"What? Caitlin, I can't hear you."

"Tasha!" Harley tries to get her attention. "Tasha!"

Her head turns to them and turns off the vacuum. "Oh! Are you on the phone?" Bree nods as Harley sits on her bed next to Bree. "Sorry. I'll just do something else."

"Okay, Caitlin, where were we?" Bree was cut off as Tasha pounded the nail into the wall with a hammer.

"Look, it's the three of us," Tasha says as she holds up a frame with a picture of her, Harley, and Bree. "Bff's. That's 'Best Friends Forever.'" She smiles as she sets the picture on the wall.

"I know," Bree says. "Anyway, Caitlin, I would just give it some time, play it cool, and hopefully Rodney will come to his senses."

"Ooh. I wouldn't do that." Tasha says as she walks over to the girls.

"Uh, do you mind?" Bree asks.

"Oh, sure. No problem." She grabs Bree's phone and holds it up to her ear. Bree and Harley give each other a look before turning back to Tasha. "Caitlin, it's Tasha. You gotta show that boy who's boss. If it were me, I would grab him by the collar and I would say, 'You are not gonna walk all over me, mister!'" Crying was heard over the phone. "Oh, you're a crier. This is gonna take all night." Tasha whispers to the girls.

"I liked it better when I lived alone and nobody bothered me," Harley mutters as she falls back into the bed.


Harley was down in the lab, watching Chase practice martial arts on his side of the lab as she sat on the Cyber Desk. The two brothers had decorated the lab. Adam has so many random items on his side that Harley almost got lost. "Hey, why don't you practice on somebody who isn't a dummy? Say, like, me?"

"Come on, no offense, you don't have any fighting experience. You would be easy to beat." Chase says as he walks up to her.

"Not true. I beat Davenport on Leo's birthday. I even had an injured hand." Harley reminds and he chuckles. "Okay, fine. Let's go right now." She hops off the desk and gets in a fighting position.

Chase does the same and waits for her to make the first move. When she doesn't, he decides to throw a punch that Harley easily blocked. She throws a punch toward his stomach, but he grabs it and pulls her closer, lips barely touching. She smirks as she wraps her leg around him, tripping him to the ground, forgetting he had a grip on her, so she fell on top of him as Chase lands on his back.

"So, I think that means I won," Harley says with a smile.

"You fell on top of me! I don't think that counts." Chase pouts.

She laughs and the two go quiet, staring at each other. Harley makes the first move and leans forward, meeting Chase's lips. The kiss was soft and slow. They may be laying on the floor in the lab, but it was a perfect moment between them. Harley pulls back with a smile to look into Chase's hazel eyes that she grew to adore. Chase brings up his hand to run his fingers through Harley's hair.

"Nice cow," A voice speaks up, causing the couple to pull away. "Is Davenport here?"

Harley was the first to stand and she helps Chase up. "No." The two respond.

"Good. I'm mad at him, but I need one of his gadgets so I can be flashy for Janelle."

"Leo, what are you talking about?" Harley asks.

"I'd love to tell you more, but I've lost the ability to trust," He replies, receiving a weird look from both Harley and Chase as he takes an invention of Davenport's.

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