Chapter 14: Hallowe'en

Start from the beginning

"Are they always like this?" he asked Penny one day as they passed by few glaring students.

"Usually," she sighs sadly. "I keep telling the boys that I can carry my own books but they constantly keep insisting that they can do it. They'll even rudely push other students around just to give me room to move. I never liked it."

"Some of those burly sycophants look like they're waiting for me to slip up," said Kenneth, eyeing several stocky older students. Feeling mischievous, "Would holding your hand or carrying your books piss them off further?"

"Probably," she giggled while blushing a deep shade of pink.

Extending his hand. "Shall we?"

"No." Blushing red, while fighting the urge to take it. "Let's just try to ignore them."

"I'm good at that. Follow my lead."

Penny giggled again. "Lead the way then, o' Hero of Hogwarts."

"Stay close, princess."

With that, Kenneth stuck his chest out in mock heroism with Penny laughing alongside him. They ignored all the other students that eyed them as they entered their classes. Penny had now given Kenneth the nickname of The Hero of Hogwarts. The ever quick-witted Kenneth retalitated with his own nickname for her: princess.

"What's the lastest gossip, Penny?" asked Kenneth as they neared the greenhouses that contained the Herbology Class.

"Greyback," replied Penny, with noticeable fear in her voice.

"The werewolf that likes to attack even when he's in his human form?"

"The one and the same."

Fenrir Greyback was the most savage werewolf alive. He made it his mission in life to infect as many people as possible to in order to create an army to take over the wizarding world. He had a special preference for targeting children. They had arrived in the greenhouse and began pulling out their gloves.

"Great," sighed Kenneth, putting on his gloves. "I had to hide in my bedroom with enchantments placed to protect me from him. My brother was in his room but managed to break out. He almost got attacked if it wasn't for my dad. He managed to drive Greyback off."

"How'd you take it?" asked a worried Penny, putting on her gloves.

"I was only five, so I didn't understand the danger. I stayed where I was. Jacob was a stubborn fifteen year old and wanted to fight him."

"I see where you get your stubbornness from," teased Penny playfully, nudging his arm. She then took a serious tone. "You don't think he'll come here do you?"

"I hope not," answered Kenneth. "He'd be foolish with all the enchantments protecting the school; but then again, there are loads of children here. Like I said: foolish."

"I hope you're right. I wouldn't want to tangle with someone as ferocious as him. Especially you."

"What about me?" asked Kenneth, pulling out a smock.

"Promise me you won't fight him," she pleaded


"Promise!" she said sternly with fear in her voice.

"All right, I promise." said Kenneth.

Penny sighed in relief as she put on her smock.

Either him or the corridor, thought Kenneth, following suit and putting on his smock.

Thinking about the corridor crossed Kenneth's mind every so often, but he knew that he had to prepare and not investigate until he felt truly ready. Luckily for both Rowan and Kenneth, Filch didn't suspect them of being out of bed after hours. That didn't stop his horrid cat, Mrs. Norris from continuously hiss at them whenever they ran into her in the corridors. Even Ben or Penny weren't so lucky when either of them were with Kenneth.

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