14 // What Happens When A Shadowhunter Gets Bit By A Werewolf?

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As I fired another arrow and pierced a demon through the head before it disappeared into ash I looked around for Stiles.

When I didn't see my boyfriend anywhere I ran over to Lydia who was looking around frantically.

"Lydia!" I shouted as I ran over to the red head who whipped her head around at the sound of her name. "Where's Stiles?"

"I don't know but I can feel it." She said clearly worried about something.

"Feel what?" I asked.

"I can feel like someone is going to die but I don't know who and Stiles is the only one I can't find." She explained.

When those words left Lydias mouth I could my heart drop to my stomach.

I couldn't lose Stiles, not now, not after I just got him back.

When a screamed erupted through the air I looking around frantically, hoping it wasn't Stiles.

A bit of relief flooded through me when I saw Derek had Gerard pinned up against a tree with his claws dug into the mans neck.

I saw Derek squeeze his fingers harder before he ripped the surface of Gerards neck off.

I whipped my head in the other direction, not wanting to look at the gory sight as I heard a body drop to the floor.

Then, all the Alpha werewolves shared glances between each other. It's like they didn't know why to do now that their supposed "leader" was dead.

Out of now where they then just took off running while the demons stayed and continued the battle.

"Take our Valentine!" I yelled so everyone could here. "The demons will stop then!" Scott and Jace shares a glance before running towards Clary's dad.

"Lydia please tell me Stiles isn't going to die." I said as I turned back to the banshee.

"I don't know." She gulped. "It's like the signals are mixed, like his body can't decide whether or not to give up or keep fighting."

"Let me go Wayland!" I heard Valentine snap as him and Scott pinned him to the ground.

I didn't wanna watch however they were gonna kill them so I averted my attention and that's when I noticed a figure slumped up against a tree isn't he distance.

When Lydia noticed me staring at it she turned to look and that's when it both hit us.

It was Stiles.

When Lydia started running towards him I took off as well and followed the strawberry blonde.

I slid to my knees as soon as I reached Stiles to find him unconscious.

"Any wounds?" Lydia asked worriedly.

I scanned his body until my eyes fell on the nasty bite mark located on his shoulder.

"That looks too big to be from a demon." I spoke as I showed Lydia the bite mark. "And if it was a demon bite Stiles would have healed it by now."

"It could have been from one of the Alphas." She suggested.

"Derek!" I called to the omega.

Derek looked up from the gory scene that was a bloody Valentine on the preserve ground and ran over to us.

"What happens when a shadow hunter gets but by a werewolf?" I asked as he crouched down beside me.

"I don't know." The werewolf answered. "Since he already non-human his body could reject the bite."

"What happens then?" I questioned.

Derek looked at me with pure worry in his eyes before saying, "He'll die."

I looked over at where the battle used to be going on to see all the demons gone and all the enemies we had killed still laying dead on the ground.

"Will Deaton know?" I continued.

"If anyone will know it's him we need to get Stiles to the clinic." Derek replied.

I slid my arms under Stiles' unconscious body before lifting him up and getting to my feet as the other started to approach us.

"What happened?!" Scott exclaimed as he ran over and looked at his best friends body.

"Alpha bite." Lydia said. "I still can be sure whether or not he's going to die, we have to take him to the clinic."

"My Camaro is at the road." Derek spoke. "Let's go."


As soon as Scott pushes open the clinic door causing the bell to ring he yelled, "Deaton!"

The vet came rushing out form the back and once he saw Stiles in my arms he didn't question it before swinging open the gate and leading us to the back.

Once in the back room I set Stiles on the table as Deaton used a pair of scissors to cut off Stiles' shirt to get a better look at the bite.

"Demon bite?" He questioned as he used a cloth to wipe away the dried blood.

"Alpha." I answered. "Do you know what happens if one of us gets but by a werewolf?"

"Unfortunately I don't know much about the shadow world as I do about the supernatural world so I cannot make any relatively correct assumptions of what may happen to him." The Druid explained as he examined the bit wound now that it was clear of any blood.

Deaton looked up at us and continued with, "I guess we'll just have to wait."

"Wait, look." Kira pointed to Stiles.

We all shifted to look at the boy who's bite was slowly healing.

Once it was fully healed I could see his chest slowly starting to rise signaling that he was breathing.

I took a stop closer to the table before saying, "Stiles?"

My boyfriends eyes shot open before he sat up and jumped off the table, landing perfectly on his feet.

He sleepy lifted his head and once his eyes met ours we all took a cautious step back.

Stiles' eyes were glowing a bright, piercing blue color as sharp fangs replaced two of his top teeth and two of his bottom teeth.

He growled lowly as claws elongated from his finger nails.


I thought betas eyes were yellow?

So why would his be blue?

So why would his be blue?

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