40 • You gotta take the Chance right in Front of You

212 24 14

Zach's POV

"Hi, Herron...." She smiles and kisses my cheek.

Herron. The first nickname she ever called me man... It still gets me to this day.


She cheeky smiles adorably, that just makes my heart melt. How she can just be so adorable all the time I don't know.  The view of the sunset has turned into a crystal clear, dark night sky. All the stars are shinning, along with the moonlight. It's a beautiful night. Everything is perfect. The lights of New York, the evening sky, her sapphire eyes glistening in the starlight. If only things were good between us now, that would make this night even better than perfect.

Of course, I know that this is not like the movies and things aren't just gonna get better over midnight, but I do know that she doesn't completely hate the fact that I'm here, and maybe might give me a chance. A chance to explain myself. A chance to fix things. A chance to make things right. A chance to make her mine. I know this is all risky, but you don't get many chances in life, so you have to take advantage of the ones you get.


I haven't had the best luck with love. All my exes prettymuch hate. Can't lie and say the relationships aren't mutual though... They all always say I'm a "jerk" or that I'm to full of myself (whatever that means). Maybe I am though... I never really have thought about how I am as a boyfriend, but I never really felt the need to. I thought girls kinda just liked you for you or not. Ever since being with Carly though, that's changed.

I've learned a lot from being her boyfriend. I've learned that a good relationship is built on a bunch of trust with everything, not just the basics. Also, that how you are not only affects the other person, but also yourself. Carly always told me, that when she was with me, not only was she trying to make me feel happy, but also herself. She didn't need me to change her life by loving her, she needed to love me to change it. A lot of things are about chance. I have a chance right now in front of me. I don't know how many more I'll get, so right now, I have to live for today, not worry about tomorrow and take the chance right in front of me.


"You're mad at me," I start. I know it's a bad start, but I don't know what to say to my ex, who has been my ex for close to 2 months, at the end of this week. We've barely talked. I feel like I should have reached out more, but I had no postion to have faced her then. But now, I'll talk to her whenever she wants to. She takes a deep breath and sighs, "Zach, I'm not mad. Just disappointed... not in you though, in me... in myself." She swallows slowly, and continues, "I guess I'm just disappointed that I fell for a guy, that let me go... so, so eaisly." Her eyes shift from mine, to the ground. She shiver at the cool night breeze, and I immediately take off my hoodie. (I don't expect her to take it). I hold the hoodie in my hand shaking, waiting for her to possibly take it.

She looks at my shaking hand, thankfully takes the hoodie. She puts it on and looks out at the view. I look at her long dark lashes and and smile. I really miss her. "I didn't want to let you go, I was an idiot. I am an idiot. I messed up, but i want you to be mine. Carly you mean everything to me. I know, I know that I've hurt you a lot...but I want another chance, please. Let me prove to you that I can be there for you, be the guy that treats you like the perfect angel you are." Carly moves her eyes to me, and looks down. I know she's probably not ready to trust. But I'm okay with that, as long as I know that she can possibly forgive me that's all I need.

"I wanna give you another chance Zach, I do. But how do I  know you're not gonna mess up again? How do I know I'm not gonna get hurt? I'm probably gonna have to trust you, yes, but know that I'm putting my heart in your hands. That's a huge responsibility. I don't give my heart out so often, well cause... you know. I'm willing to give you a chance, but don't waste it." She sighs, looks into my eyes. I can't tell if she's hurt or happy. Maybe both..


I look for Daniel, but he must of disappeared inside. Of course, the one time I want him by Carly, he's not there. I sigh, wondering if I should stop. She's clearly not ready, or maybe she is? I don't really know if she is or not. I don't wanna leave her out here, at the same time I don't know what I'm gonna do about where I'm sleeping. I don't know about Daniel, but I'm at least not invited to stay for the night. I remember thinking we got a hotel, but then realized we didn't, expecting Corbyn to stay with Christina, and Daniel and I to stay here. Not sure if that's the greatest idea now, looking at the current events. I know she doesn't hate me, but I don't think that means she wants to be waking up to me by her side. I don't know what's gonna happen with Carly and I. I don't know if I ever will...


"Do you want us to leave? I could get Daniel, we could get a hotel or try to find a flight back." She blinks twice, a third time before answering. I wonder if she's okay, but I don't feel I should bother her. "Ohm... you guys could stay, if you want. I don't mind." I smile and get out a peice of paper and I write: "Up for a late Starbucks run?"

Carly looks at the note, rolls her eyes, but smiles. She gives me the 'it's almost 2am you idiot' look. I shurg my shoulders playfully. She sighs and walks inside to get her phone. "Ready, Herron?" she smirks, using that nickname on purpose to just kill me. I nod, "Oh yeah, I am. But the question is, are you ready to be swept off your feet and be shown to a whole new world." She laughs at my Aladdin impersonation. It's Aladdin right? Or is it from Cinderella, no Beauty and the Beast... No that's not right! Ugh... I don't know I give up on Disney. "Well, hello Prince Ali." she smirks, "Ready for what? Ready for you to show me a place I've lived in for 18 years, that I already almost know everything about? Sure, I'm ready." She laughs.

I rolls my eyes at myself. Knew I should of never brought up Disney... She smiles and takes my hand. "Let's go Jasmine." She smirks. I give her a playful glare and we walk back inside. Daniel and Carly's older sister, Hailee I think it is are sitting at the table having drinks (non acholic). Carly tells them we're going at and her sister asks why two teenagers are going out on a Starbucks run at 2am. My question to her would be, what two teenagers wouldn't? She just shushes her and we walk out the door, to the dark city night/morning. Luckily, Starbucks is always open 24/7.


We arrive at Starbucks and we see a guy sitting there with a girl. Guess we're not the only couple, that decided to go out at 2 am. We walk up to the counter and order our drinks. As we wait, we hear a voice. "Carly?" We turn around. She smiles at the guy, "Hey Jace." Jace... why does that name sound familiar? I look at the guy closely... no way, no way. You have so many chances in front of you and just gotta take them. Looks like another appeared, I'm not gonna waste it. I'm gonna waste any of them.

a/n ~ Finishing this book, really soon. I'm so excited for what's coming soon! I really do enjoy writing this story and I hope you all enjoy it. This is my first book ever, so I know it's not the best. I still can't believe so many people have read this and it's crazy that I've been writing this book, predominantly during quarantine. This has made it less boring and I thank you all who read. Can't wait to finish this story and move on to the next. 😘❤️


-K 💜

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