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I woke up at 6am sharp, as always. And like a ritual I quickly threw the covers off of my body with an unknown source of energy. I then ran over to my window on the opposite side of the room, my bare feet slapping lightly against the cold, hardwood floor. Once I was at the window, I grabbed the strings and threw the blinds up as fast as humanly possible.

My eyes were met with a still star-y night sky. One clearer than I had ever seen before. The stars where even more prominent then they had been in all the years I had lived here and looked out the window. And I couldn't help but let a goofy smile spread across my face.

Some days I wasn't as lucky as to catch the sun just before it rises. On days like these I get to enjoy both the star-y night and a beautiful sunrise. Something so rare I felt like it was a once in a lifetime opportunity. Of course it wasn't, but in the moment it always felt like it.

I couldn't help but stare at the sky as I could see the sun start to peak up over the mountain and a light breeze swayed the tree-tops just enough to make a few leaves fall. My eyes widened at the beautiful scenery unfolding before my very eyes, if anyone else looked at me, they would have probably said I had stars in my eyes. Which wouldn't be far from the truth.

I was always utterly amazed at how beautiful the world could be. And as the sun rises up more, light slowly started to peak through, highlighting the morning dew on the grass and flower petals. Even the lake by my house started reflecting the sky, which was rapidly changing from a cool, crisp blue with flakes of white, to more brighter tones. Like red, orange, and yellow.

I've always loved the night sky, it was so calm and serene. But if I had to pick between the night sky and the early morning, I'd have to say the more welcoming one. Although both are beautiful in their own ways, I could never get over how the warm colored battles each other and mixed so well, creating multiple hues to cast a shadow over the lake. Not to mention the birds that started to sing their peaceful melodies and fly about, bring me to a calming state that was hard to fathom.

I could stay in that same position for hours watching the sun rise, and I did just that. I stood and watched the earth and it's creatures wake up. Bees buzzing about their day, spiders spinning their webs in the dewy grass, deer grazing on the nearby grass, and probably the most beautiful of them all, the birds singing and building their nests. Flying high and mighty, wandering around freely, able to see the world.

"(Y/n)!" I heard a loud yell, my mother, call out to me. I snapped out of my daze and looked at the clock to see two hours have passed. "Coming!" I yelled back, looking one more time at the window, watching the birds, unchained and unhooked to any duties or responsibilities. They where free to do whatever they want as they pleased.. they where nothing like me.

'Oh how I would give anything to be like them..' I thought to myself, before trailing off. I continued to stare out the window for a few more moments before I heard my mother call my name again. I jolted slightly from surprise. "Coming!" I yelled again, this time making my way towards my bedroom door to actually leave this time. Of course, I didn't leave before looking out the window one last time, just to really take in the picture I was sure would forever be implanted into my mind now.

This time I didn't take as long and quickly left my room. I ran downstairs to find my mother, father, and siblings all sitting at the table, waiting on me so we could start eating.
I was now sitting outside with my father, practicing with my nen. "Now, can you try to make your aura into an object?" I nodded my head, focusing all my will power to create an object, and when I opened my eyes I found a bouquet of flowers in my hand, to which I smiled at.

I heard my father chuckle and clap his hands together. "Very good! You're coming a long way in such a short time! I'm very proud of you." He told me with a bright smile as he patted my head. "You keep conjuring up things for me, okay? I'll be back to check on you in a moment."

And I did just that, I made millions of flowers in the time span my father was away, and before long my mother came outside with some water and food. "Okay dear, that's enough practice for today. How about you make your way up and show Kurapika how much you've improved!" My mother said cheerfully, to which I happily obliged.
I was a mere child then, possibly around the age of 11 or 10. But even still, five years wasn't enough to erase the pain and anguish that i felt on that very day. Five years wasn't enough to block out the screams. And five years definitely wasn't long enough to blind me from the blood and gore splattered about carelessly. The empty sockets of almost every member. The smell of iron from the dark red, almost black, blood. I remembered all of it.

But even more so.. it wasn't enough to take away the life lesson that we both learned that afternoon. Even if a day starts out unnaturally beautiful, the flowers blooming and sun shining brighter than ever. No dark, pessimistic clouds anywhere in sight, not even the slight occurrence of a sinister presence. Anything and everything can change within a split second. Something that once was beautiful..

Can always be tainted in red.

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