“Joe?” Pete whispered, but he was somehow surprised by his own voice.

Joe let out a large sigh of relief. “Oh thank God! Pete! You’re alive! I’d thought you’d died!” The last word came out slightly high pitched.
But I did die….Pete wasn’t sure if he was referring to waking up as a vampire, or after the battle against Thomas, but he decided to keep the words to himself. 

Instead, he asked the question he was desperate to be answered: "What the hell happened?" 

As soon as Pete had finished the words, Joe launched into his story, barely pausing to take a breath as he did so: "Well I was unconscious for a little of it, but Andy told me you'd thrown yourself and Thomas into the sunlight to kill him, and that by the time you got out, you were barely alive, the sunlight had burned you pretty bad, especially for a vampire. Andy said he kept on shaking you and trying to wake you up but nothing worked- we all thought you were dead." There was hysteria in his voice as he spoke. "I came around awhile later, and me and Andy covered you up to protect you from the sunlight and brought you back here, but you were still unconscious and we started to panic; None of us were sure if you were dead or not, so we've been waiting to see if you'd wake up, taking it in turns to watch over you and try and help you wake up. We even gave you drops of our blood to see if it would help...." 
Drops of your blood? Pete thought horrifically and froze, hoping he had misheard Joe. However, as he turned his head to look down, he saw a large bandage messily wrapped around Joe's left wrist, blood soaking through- he was able to smell that some of it was still fresh by its rich and sweet scent. 

Pete flinched away from the sight of the blood, even thought his throat was burning and desiring it, but the burning in his throat felt like nothing compared to what he had felt while in the sun's cruel rays. He looked up to catch sight of Joe's face, yet as he did, Pete noticed that Joe's hair, even though tangled, was clean from sweat and blood, as was the rest of body and his clothes, which were now different from before. Joe also had a number of cuts and gashes across his arms, neck and face, particularly a long gash running down the side of his face; some of them were bandaged but for the ones that weren't, the blood on the outside was not fresh as it was healing over, a few had already healed to scars. Joe also had bruises upon his knuckles, his jaw and the side of his face, but Pete was slightly shocked at the fact they had mostly faded to yellow rather than a purple or black and were in the middle of the process of disappearing. 

It added to the list of confusion in Pete's mind; Joe had said that they had been waiting for him to wake up. How long have I been unconscious for? Joe clearly looked like he hasn't remerged from a battle that might have occurred just a few hours ago. There was no telling how long it had been. 

"How- how long have I been out for?" Pete's voice came out stuttered and hoarse. 

"Five days." 

"Five days?!" Repeated Pete, astonished. Was I really out that long? It all felt strange to Pete. But he didn't have anytime to think over it and let the information sink in as there was still one deeply important question that was still nagging at his mind, begging to be answered; the faint image of the blade digging into Thomas's throat rose to the surface of his mind one more.

"And Thomas....is he dead?" Pete almost knew what the answer would be, but it was if he needed to hear it spoken out loud by someone else for it to be true. 

Joe's lips almost twitched into a smile. "Yes he's dead." Pete felt as if he could breathe again. "Andy told me you cut off his head with a blade. I damn wish I had been awake to see that! That was really smart thinking, Pete." 

"Yeah, well it was the only way I could think of to kill him that he couldn't heal or come back from." Pete admitted. 

Joe gave a burst of laughter. "Good plan. Unless, of course, some vampires manage to sew his head back on and he comes back to life." 
Always making jokes, Joe. Pete thought, but still it made him feel happier, like things were returning to the way they were before. "Even in a world where vampires exist and a bunch of other crazy shit happens, I doubt that could ever happen." 

Fall Out Boy- A Little Less Sixteen Candles Untold (fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now