Equally Tenacious

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A/N: HAPPY NEW YEAR GUYS! :D If you're following me on Facebook then this story will be familiar xD I started writing this A VERY LONG TIME AGO, but then I dumped it and then suddenly had inspiration to finish it, so BAM. HERE IT IS.

I hope you all enjoy it! Don't forget to leave a vote and comment if you do ;D Nearly 27,000 words man, I try too hard lmfao

P.S. The story's got a subtle tone of D/S (dominance/submission for those who don't know) going on and if that's not your cup of tea, you've been warned.

Okay, enough talk! Enjoy! :D


-o- Equally Tenacious -o-

"Deane! My love!"

Oh God no. It's the voice from my waking nightmares.

Deane – the youngest Anderson – froze, because despite the fact that the voice behind him had grown considerably huskier and was a tad more mature than he remembered, he would recognize that voice anywhere.

When Jenny had come to their side of the ranch a few minutes ago, whispering about the Davies' grandson coming over for the summer, he'd taken it as bullshit because the Davies' grandson only visited them during Christmas, and the last time Deane and his brothers had seen him was more than three years ago.

But the overdramatic squeals of excitement repeating behind him like some annoying mantra proved that for once, Jenny's gossip was actually the truth.

"Deane!" Luke called again in his loud, annoying, high-pitched voice, and Deane gritted his teeth, refusing to turn around to acknowledge the teenager. What on earth was he even doing here?

He listened to the sound of fast approaching footsteps, tensing and dreading what was coming, when the feet suddenly came to an unexpected halt, and there was a low wail of, "No, no, no, no, no!"

"Luke?" Red – the Anderson directly older than Deane – sputtered in surprise, sitting up from the lawn chair he was currently lazing on in front of the house he shared with his brothers. He tipped his hat up and his pale green eyes – a feature all the Anderson brothers shared – grew wide when he spotted the slim figure standing at the opening of their rickety hand-made picket fence, and his lips stretched in a huge grin, "well bugger me blind, it's Queen Luke!"

"Queen Luke?" Jenny asked in confusion, glancing at Luke and then back at the Andersons just as Luke practically wailed, "No," while waving his hand frantically at a dark brown stain on the left calf of his obviously expensive faded sky blue jeans, "How on earth did that even get there? These jeans are brand new!"

"Queen Luke!" Red laughed in amusement, gesturing his hand at Luke's obvious theatrics in explanation to Jenny, emphasising on the nickname 'queen', only making the teen blush slightly in guilty embarrassment.

"Did someone say Luke?" Brick – the oldest Anderson – called from inside the house, nearly stumbling out of the house in his haste, hands scrambling to button up the white striped long-sleeved shirt he'd obviously just hastily put on.

Luke managed to look up with a tiny smile, but his day was officially ruined because of the ugly stain on his jeans. His eyes glanced down at the stain and darted up almost unconsciously to glance at Deane from underneath his eyelashes, and he smiled a little when he noticed the almost irritated way Deane rolled his eyes at him and turned to look at the clipboard in his hands like it was more important. Looks like someone hasn't changed at all, he thought giddily.

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