Chapter 33: Dumbledore's Army

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"The patronus charm can shield you from dementors, and other dark magic. It is a complex spell and many full grown wizards can't cast it" Harry explained to the DA.

"Even an incomplete Patronus can be an excellent defense. You've got to think of something happy. The happiest thing you can think of"

"I think of you love" (Y/n) muttered into Hermione's ear, causing her to blush. He then cast his own Pratronus, and Edgar burst from the tip of his wand and flew around the room before landing on (Y/n)'s shoulder.

"These are pretty cool!" Richie said, as his own wolf Patronus ran around the room. Before long the room was full of corporal and incorporeal.

Hermione's took the form of an otter, that seam around in the air. Ginny's took the form of a large horse, while Luna's manifested into a small and eager rabbit.

Suddenly there was a loud pop, and Dobby appeared in front of Harry.

"Dobby? What's going on?" Harry asked him.

"I is here to warn Harry Potter, she is coming! She has found out!" Dobby spoke quickly and anxiously to Harry.

"What?" Harry said not understanding.

"The High Inquisitor is coming!" Dobby said. There was silence in the hall for a second before Harry yelled.

"What are you waiting for! Run!" There was panic throughout the whole room as the DA members ran for the door and scattered into the hall.

Harry, Ron, Hermione and (Y/n) however stayed back to make sure everyone left safely.

"Head for a bathroom or the library!" Harry yelled to the other members.

They ran out of the room, and quickly found that Umbridge was using the help of a few Slytherins.

(Y/n) quickly pulled out his wand and conjured a wall of fire blocking off the hall that Umbridge was running down.

"I'll met you guys in the library later" (Y/n) said to the others as he hid behind a suit of armor.

He waited for a group of Slytherins to pass by him before muttering "Incendium Bestia" and a raven made entirely out of fire shot out of his wand, before flying through a few of the Slytherins, causing them to fall to the floor unconscious.

As his fire raven distracted the Slytherins, he ducked out from behind the armor and hexed a large brutish Slytherin that was pinning a small first year to the wall.

He ran down the hall hoping to save a few more unfortunate DA members, however a rope seemed to appear from nowhere and wrap itself around his legs. He tripped, due to his legs being tied together by the ropes, and fell face first onto the stone floor.

"Well well well, what do we have here" said a voice. "You are in trouble Mr (L/n)" (Y/n) could here the joy in Umbridge's voice.

He rolled over onto his back, and saw Umbridge standing over him smiling proudly, with her wand pointed directly at his heart.

(Y/n), still having his hands free, started to clap slowly. "Good job Dolores, you beat a schoolboy in a duel. All you had to do was sneak up and attack me from behind"

"Why won't you just shut up" she said conjuring another thick rope to wrap itself around his mouth. "See isn't that better now?"

Umbridge then got a few of her goons to drag (Y/n) up to the headmasters office, where he was thrown into the room.

"Dolores release my student at once!" Dumbledore told her in a loud and quite frankly scary voice.

Umbridge flicked her wand and the ropes vanished. Harry then grabbed his hand and helped him to his feet.

(Y/n) looked around and found the McGonagall was also there, along with Fudge, a few aurors, and another student who had the word sneak written on her face with blemishes and pimples.

She looked completely distraught, and Umbridge was standing next to her trying to console her.

Umbridge then started to talk about how she'd been watching the DA and blah blah, (Y/n) just ignored her like usual.

"And look it say 'Dumbledore's Army' right here" she said brandishing the list of DA members infront of Dumbledore's face.

"Ah yes it does" Dumbledore said calmly.

"So you admit you've been trying to plot against the Ministry then?" Fudge asked excitedly and before Dumbledore could reply he turned to the corner of the room and addressed Percy Weasley.

"If we hurry we can make the morning copy of the Prophet" he said to Percy, who nodded and turned to leave.

(Y/n) quickly stuck his leg out and tripped Percy up, laughing as he face planted into the floor.

He quickly scampered back up, and (Y/n) was happy to see that his nose was clearly broken.

"That's for not opening your jumper your bloody prat! You broke your mother's heart!" (Y/n) spat at him before he ran out of the office.

"Dawlish, Shacklebolt you two will escort Dumbledore to Azkaban-" fudge started but was interrupted by Dumbledore.

"I thought we might hit this little snag" he said with a smile "you seem to be under the delusion that I will... what's the phrase? Go quietly. I have no intention of going to Azkaban."

"Enough of this! Grab him!" Fudge shouted.

There was a flash of light and suddenly Fudge, Umbridge, and the aurors were unconscious on the floor.

"I don't have much time, they will think that no time has passed. They must not know we talked." Dumbledore said quickly.

"Harry I implore that you continue to study occlumency, it is important" he said. He then talked to McGonagall for a minute before grabbing onto Fawkes the Phoenix and disappearing.

The others woke up. "He couldn't have gotten far. You cannot disaperate in the school!" Umbridge shouted, and Fudge, Umbridge, and the aurors ran out of the office.

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