Chapter 9: Hesdmaster's Office

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The next day (Y/n) received an owl at breakfast. He opened it and saw it contained details for his detentions.

"You shouldn't have done that (Y/n)" Hermione said to him worried.

"I don't care about Umbridge. If she's going to try to stunt my education I'm going to fight back."

"When's your detention?" Harry asked him glumly.

(Y/n) looked down at the letter.

"Mr. (L/n), you will be serving detention every day at six o'clock in my office for one week, for disrespecting a teacher" (Y/n) read this out loud and then smiled.

The other looked at him confused. He then looked up at the staff table and saw that Umbridge was watching him with glee.

(Y/n) then made eye contact with her, held up her letter and set it on fire, all while smirking at her.

"(Y/n)! What are you doing!" Hermione shrieked.

"Don't worry I don't have to do the detention" (Y/n) said.

"What? Why?" Ron asked him.

"Because the letter said I disrespected a teacher, but I didn't, I just disrespected Umbridge" (Y/n) explained to them.

He looked back up at Umbridge, and saw that she seemed to be swelling with anger.

"(Y/n)!" Hermione said to him. "You could get expelled!"

(Y/n) laughed at this. "As long as Dumbledore is here I'll be fine"

They started to leave the hall, but someone grabbed (Y/n)'s shoulder.

"What do you think you were doing Mr (L/n)?" Umbridge said to him, still keeping up her sweet voice.

"Oh I was just getting rid of some rubbish" he said calmly.

"Rubbish? Rubbish. Rubbish!" She shouted at him. "That's it fifty points from Gryffindor" she said looking triumphant, as if she thought this would stop (Y/n).

"Okay. And?" (Y/n) said to her.

"And? And. And! You are being punished Mr (L/n), you are being punished for what you've done!"

"Ah yes I'm sorry" he said to her, and she smiled triumphantly. "I'll recycle next time Umbridge" he said and turned to walk away, but Umbridge grabbed his left arm.

(Y/n) quickly took it off and screamed loudly "AHHHHH MY ARM!!!" Umbridge jumped backwards and dropped his arm to the ground looking startled.

(Y/n) laughed, summoned his arm to him with his wand and ran away. "GET BACK HERE!" She shrieked, running after him.

She eventually caught up to him out of breath. "Headmaster's. Office. NOW!" She panted, and the two of them walked to Dumbledore's office.

Umbridge didn't even bother to knock on Dumbledore's she just burst.

"Ahh Dolores to what do I owe this... pleasure" Dumbledore said.

"Mr (L/n) has been blatantly ignoring rules and disrespecting me, it is as though he thinks himself above the rules."Umbridge said adamantly. "And it is only the second day of the term" she added.

"Well you don't set a great example" (Y/n) muttered.

"What was that Mr. (L/n)?" Umbridge said turning on him.

"I said you don't set a good example." Umbridge looked at him in amazement. "Well first off you interrupt Dumbledore's speech, I mean that's just basic common curtesy, you should wait for others to finish before you add your thoughts Umbridge.

"Then during our first class you purposely ignored people who had questions, and then proceeded to cut them off and belittle them. And finally you barged into the headmaster's office without knocking" (Y/n) explained to her and Dumbledore.

"And its only the second day" (Y/n) added smugly.

Umbridge started to turn red. "Mr (L/n) I am a Professor at this school, not to mention a trained ministry official, you will not talk to me like that!"

"Well I wouldn't exactly call you a Professor..." Umbridge grabbed his arms tightly, shook him and, pulled him close to her, but Dumbledore stood up and pulled out his wand.

"You will not physically attack my students Dolores!" Dumbledore said to her. "Now then I am forced to give you detention for your actions (Y/n). Friday night with Professor Snape"

Umbridge opened her mouth to complain. "And you Dolores I am giving you a warning, I will not tolerate you man handling my students. Do I make myself clear!"

Umbridge, who was the same shade as a tomato now, simply nodded.

"You may go now Dolores" Dumbledore said to her. After she had left (Y/n) turned to Dumbledore.

"Why did you hire her? She's horrid!"

"It was not my choice" Dumbledore said simply. "Now then I have protected you this time, but I will not be able to every time"

"I understand Professor" (Y/n) said to him.

"And (Y/n) please try to behave yourself"

"I'm sorry professor I can't promise what I can't do" (Y/n) said with a wink and he left the office.

Later that day (Y/n) was sitting in the common room listening to Hermione rant about Umbridge.

"That horrid woman! How could the ministry do this, and during our OWL year! We've got to do something (Y/n)!" Hermione Said while pacing the common room.

"Alright then let's light her office on fire" (Y/n) said from one of the comfy chairs near the fire.

"I know it's a joke (Y/n), but I would love to do that to her" Hermione said, (Y/n) stood up and walked over to her.

"I think I might be rubbing off on you 'Mione" (Y/n) said standing close to her.

"Oh shut up" Hermione said as she pulled him in for a kiss.

They stayed up a bit cuddling, and eventually Harry returned from detention with Ron in tow.

"How was it mate?" (Y/n) asked him. "What's she have you doing? Strangling leprechauns? Murdering unicorns?"

"Just lines" Harry replied and he headed up to the dorm without another word.

"That's it? I knew she was a push over" (Y/n) said with a laugh.

Ron sat around with them for a bit talking, but soon he too went up to the dorm.

"We've got to do something fun Hermione" Said (Y/n) suddenly pulling her to her feet. "Need that right about now"

"Like what?" Hermione asked tentatively.

"I don't know, like a date, or maybe arson, something like that"

Hermione laughed. "How about next Hogsmeade trip?" She suggested.

"It's a date" (Y/n) said pulling her into a tight hug, and kissing the top of her head. "Although I would've preferred arson"

"Prat" She said hitting him slightly.

"Yeah but I'm your prat" (Y/n) said with a smile. "Love You Hermione" He said, kissing her quickly and going up to the dorms.

"I love you too (Y/n)" she called after him.

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