Chapter 5

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"Crush? Isn't that the soda."


Mae's POV

I got up and did the same routine like i do every morning. I get up , go to the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth , eat , then leave. When i stepped into the bus i saw Aaron sitting where we were the other day , i came closer and closer to him hoping i could sit next to him but when i got to him..there was girl..he was holding hands with that girl. They were looking each other in the eyes and started leaning closer and closer to each other as if they were gonna...kiss...My chest felt heavy. I don't even know why. I don't like Aaron so why did my chest feel so damn heavy. I ran to the seats in the back and water started coming out of my eyes, why was i crying? I was crying and crying for the whole day and he hasn't even noticed me.I walked home cause if i went on the bus there was a chance i would've seen him. I was walking until someone grabbed my wrist , i turned around and it was Aaron. He looked me in the eyes and told me " I like you." , i looked at him and hit him " do you think i'm stupid enough to believe you? , go fuck yourself." And with that i turned on my heels and walked away.

I woke up panting. It was a dream, it was all just a dream thank God. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand next to my bed and checked the time

5:36 AM

I set my phone back on the nightstand and laid there. Looking at the ceiling. Do i like Aaron? , no. of course i don't. That's a stupid question i obviously don't like him. But.. I couldn't help but ask myself.


I still can't sleep, i just keep rolling and rolling til' i've changed my luck. That dream wouldn't leave my mind, it's literally stuck there. It won't fucking leave. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and checked the time again.

6:30 AM

Has it literally been an hour?. Damn. And i'll need to get up at 6:50. I just kept tossing and turning trying to go back to sleep At least for a few minutes. The thing is i just couldn't . I couldn't even tell if i really like him. I don't know..

My eyes were slowly closing, finally i was falling asleep.




And there goes my mom.


I ran to the bathroom and took a shower this time i took time in the shower or in other words i just stood there with the water pouring onto me. I wish thinking maybe..just maybe i do like him. I was lost in my thoughts. I quickly snapped out of it so i wouldn't be late i dried myself up then brushed my teeth. I went downstairs and ate some cereal then left. Soon enough the bus arrived and i sat down same place i was the other day. Just on time Aaron came in and he was with a girl. That girl looked familiar i just couldn't put my finger on it. Aaron sat next to me while the girl sat on the other side.

" Hey Mae! I would like to introduce you to Elise , my girlfriend "

Well Damn.

"And Elise this is Mae , my friend."

Ouch. Friend zoned? lol what was i thinking i would never have a chance with him.

She waved at me and i felt obliged to wave back so i did. The rest of the ride was silent because Aaron and Natalie were talking the whole time. Thats the thing why i don't want to have crushes they will end up breaking your heart. We got to school and they went out hand in hand. What was i thinking? Of course a guy like him would be taken. His girlfriend is a new student in school but i guess they've known each other for a while. I headed to my locker and on the way i saw him since his locker is next to mine, His arm was on his locker like how those badass guys do and his other arm was down. I came closer and saw what was happening. He was with Natalie..they were uhm..kissing. Shit i knew she looked familiar , she was the one from my dream. Dammit. I just walked up to my locker and grabbed my notebook in my locker , closed it , and walked away like i didn't even notice them. I walked away. While i was walking i bumped into someone.

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